Cindy's 125 becomes a 180


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
H2O_intolerant;228373 said:
Imageshack brahs.

I'm curious as to why you guys chose to use silicone as a sealant, as opposed to Zpoxy or the loctite epoxy. Does it work better, price?
I watched many youtube videos on doing this and I came across a fresh water one that used silicone to stick soil to the back ground. I dont know that much about epoxy so I thought silicone was safe and would stick sand to it if it worked on soil.

Oh and it seemed that silicone was faster and easyer to work with.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
H2O_intolerant;228555 said:
I've heard that silicone takes a few weeks to dry and needs to be watched like a hawk, no ReefStock for you guys I guess... seriously, my raffles....bahahaha
Bwaaaahahaha! You a funny funny man. I think the silicone is already dry. Besides... my 125 is still running, and Michael set up a whole second sump to hold all the fabulous corals we'll be bringing home. And we cleared out the fish room so theres plenty of storage for the rest...


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I guess I know who I'm gonna call when I need to figure out how to plumb a new tank, lol.

Looks like a pretty awesome build is underway. :)


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
jahmic;228564 said:
So I guess I know who I'm gonna call when I need to figure out how to plumb a new tank, lol.

Looks like a pretty awesome build is underway. :)
Yep, Michael is really good with pipework. And thanks! I'm hoping it turns out half as well as some of the tanks I've seen lately. Y'all know what to do with rockwork, that's for sure.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
H2O_intolerant;228613 said:
Hey, hey, hey, this is a family program, lol.

You done with the build yet?
LOL. I may not be as slow as Martin, but I just posted a crapton of pics yesterday for your edification. LOL. And not much is gonna get done this weekend, cuz I have to blow some money while you watch Pinky & the Brain.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
The big weekend is here! We've torn down the 125, and prepped the 180. The foam rock wall is now siliconed in place, and Michael built a really slick rack for my AI Sols. Picked a dark brown metallic pant for it. It was with a slightly heavy heart that I said goodbye to my old rockscape, but I am DEFINITELY looking forward to doing new 'scaping tomorrow. [attachment=64003:name]

Tomorrow we


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Cindy's 125 becomes a 180

Andrew_bram;232478 said:
Tomorrow isnt going to be fun and games is it

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Sure it is!

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Jaime - yes, they slide, so they can be positioned as needed for maximum coral happiness. Coolest thing ever. The stand will be skinned with cabinet grade plywood, which will be trimmed and stained to match the kitchen cabinets when I redo the kitchen (in a month or so). The back of the stand will be left open, for easy access.

Martin... don't you have a build of your own to work on? Or some prune juice to drink?

Andrew - Tomorrow just got a WHOLE lot easier. The 125 is in the garage already. All we need to do now is move the 180 into place. Then I can load in sand, get started on the aquascaping, fill 'er up with water, and then start placing corals, get the fish in there, etc.