Craigslist Deal of the Day

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
morgheim;318646 said:
Hey guys... just to let you know, it was not a scam, I thought it was also... but I own it now and yes I paid 500.00 for it. Had it moved yeterday to my basement and spent the afternoon setting it up. I live in CO. Springs, I am not usually up on this forum... But I did get the tank, will send pics when I have it fully up and running
Wow, good for you. I'm down in the springs as well. Looking forward to the build thread and pictures. You also have a large group of support down here in the springs as well. We are rebuilding the site after a recent hack and slash from some no good, worthless, POS, but the sight should be back up this week.


M.A.S.C Club Member


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Sent them a message that would be a perfect part of my new setup mangroves in one end and sandbed down the middle with a return section at the skinny end.


M.A.S.C Club Member
scchase;320501 said:
Sent them a message that would be a perfect part of my new setup mangroves in one end and sandbed down the middle with a return section at the skinny end.
And a baby sea turtle? Lol
Selling the tank, stand, led light and all livestock.

Long story short, I have to buy a plane ticket for my family and I to get to a funeral in a month so I'm biting the bullet and letting this tank go. It is up and running right now so obviously there are no leaks and the tank is well-kept. It is shallow, the dimensions are: 16in high, 24in deep, 48in long. It's running as a freshwater tank currently, but can be used for any kind of tank you want, but the background would have to be removed with some work.

In the tank there's a small Axolotl, 3 clown loaches, and 2 Rainbows "sharks." Nothing too special, but they must go as well. If you do not want them just let me know and I can donate them to a LFS. All plants are live as well.

Asking/hoping 700 For everything: tank, stand, light, fish....everything. obo, seriously obo.

I also have a ultra bright 48in LED Finnex light. Just make an offer for it.[attachment=67500:name]
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