Dave's 200G FOWLR Build


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well unfortunately the angel and butterfly were fired. Pulled them out of tank, half-re-aquascaped then got tired of moving rock for the umpteenth time (all the fish chasing/evicting in my build). Cleared out some cyano as well. So I'll post another FTS. Since booting the navarchus, the remaining fish are super active and way less stressed. So I am done with large angels (which, again, really sucks).

I decided I will get the goats in my tank, then get a zebra down the line (Andy thanks, you talked me back into a zebra!). I will also put some LR pieces with lots of life (have been in extended QT) in tank, to reseed, once I get the Nitrates/Phosphates normal and kick the cyano back for good. Then maybe when my Rock is recovered again with sponges, algae, and other good stuff, I'll retry that Annularis.

Few more pics of what I've got and a recap of everything to my first post in the next week...after I have all my reactors online...then hopefully I'm done tweaking for a while.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dave's 200G FOWLR Build

Can't wait to see that zebra! I been wanting one.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Few full tank shots..still got a little (green) cyano battle ahead of me...and I may play with the 'scape a little more...and add a few more bullies perhaps...


Also I need to give a major SHOUT OUT to Aquamart!!! Rock stars!!! I'm surprised they didn't fire me for being such a pain in their arse with everything they helped me with (especially livestock rehoming). Most fish in my tank are from Dave and crew...and Mike M is the bomb...

Testament to their quality: They ordered a fish for me...gave it full QT...I went to pick it up...I thought it looked a little diseased and roughed in transit but was ready to buy...they REFUSED to sell it to me because they were worried about its health...lo and behold, the poor fish didn't make it. After fish and money down the drain for so many prior issues, this "customer service" was priceless to me.

Oh and Neptune's is/has also been a huge help to me as well...and source for some of my current fish...at one point I called in to order another fish from them...staff REFUSED to order for me, knowing the timing of the Ich battle I had been fighting...telling me I needed to wait a few more weeks...more priceless customer service to me.

These 2 stores treat you like clients, not customers, so I send my appreciation to them.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dave's 200G FOWLR Build

Looks great!


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Dave's 200G FOWLR Build

Gotta love when the LFS knows more about our tanks than we do, I can def vouch for AquaMart. Neptunes has always treated the gf fairly with her fw habit.

Your puffer seems glad to be out of his pen ;)

What livestock do you have currently?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Right now I've got - volitans lion, porc puffer, harlequin tusk, bluehead wrasse, red coris wrasse, engineer goby. I've got a bicolor goatfish, ordered online, that came in way too small to throw in my main tank. I'll try to fatten him up before he goes in, so the lion doesn't eat him. I'll add a zebra moray.

Not sure what else I'll add, maybe something else down the road. I'm tired of chasing fish out and need to let the tank run more on cruise control for awhile, but maybe an annularis angel down the line.


M.A.S.C Club Member

Puffer was fired. What a cool fish it was. Just wasn't digging the Volitans at all, and a family vote (too close to call) decided that the Volitans should stay. So I thought it best to send it on his happy way. Maybe I'll try another Porc later, and see if it is OK with the lion.

So I now have a double Volitans tank. The two happen to be almost the same size. They aren't really warming up, but hopefully will just start ignoring each other soon.

I'm not sure now what other personnel changes I'll make, but will wait until a long overseas trip in a few weeks before I start making any more changes. I may need to get rid of the bluehead wrasse soon. The tusk is getting fierce with it.

Some pics of the lions tonight from my android phone.
