Diamond in the Rough


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well two tester acros holding strong and starting to encrust. Salt switch has saved the day. I will say at least I got it figured out. With a lot of help from some people. @Vested y'all at Underwater Wonders are a blessing that's for sure. Everyone stuck in there to get it resolved and offered up great advice and info. Gonna grab a few more testers and will be able to get em in this weekend. See everyone at the coral extravaganza this weekend. Bringing the howler box to hopefully bring a few things home this weekend. 20241114_201218.jpg 20241114_201251.jpg 20241114_201305.jpg 20241114_201313.jpg
Well two tester acros holding strong and starting to encrust. Salt switch has saved the day. I will say at least I got it figured out. With a lot of help from some people. @Vested y'all at Underwater Wonders are a blessing that's for sure. Everyone stuck in there to get it resolved and offered up great advice and info. Gonna grab a few more testers and will be able to get em in this weekend. See everyone at the coral extravaganza this weekend. Bringing the howler box to hopefully bring a few things home this weekend. View attachment 1741 View attachment 1742 View attachment 1743 View attachment 1744
Awesome glad things are looking better :)


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Brought this slice of beauty home after the extravaganza. Reef builders added in some good extras to sweeten the deal and to get this thing rolling. 20g tall will be going bye bye and upgrading to this beauty. Start the scape this week. Have a few scape starter pieces from the 20g that will roll over to it and transfer fish. Time to start pulling something crazy together. Screenshot_20241117-134142_TextNow.jpg
Hope this transition goes smooth. Going to throw everything in a stock tank for a day or two while I get this rolling. Stoked to see it come together. 20241024_162549.jpg
Bye 20g and hello next project!!!


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Got it all cleaned up. Start the scape tonight and hopefully transfer everything on Saturday. Little plumbing to do but shouldnt be bad at all. Hope everyone is enjoying everything they got from the extravaganza.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well just need the one rock from the 20g tall and this scape is finished up. The light will be able to reach sand bed in most areas through the top scape. This allows space for zoas shrooms some low light low flow lps. Stoked to get this thing rolling.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well sump is all cleaned up and ready to go. Hopefully start plumbing soon and create the platform for the sump to sit on. Getting clise and ready for change over on saturday for this thing. Also got return nozzles in tank gonna do a 3/4in run to a 1/2in nozzle to hopefully gain some good output flow at the nozzle.
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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Glue it up and she is ready to go into place. Idk if anyone has a spare 1in thread to 1in slip coupling thats close to loveland but I could sure use it lol. Probably go grab one here in a little bit.
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Staff member
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M.A.S.C President
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Looks great. Although note on acrylic tanks like that sump, the bottom should be 100% supported otherwise it will eventually split a seam


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks great. Although note on acrylic tanks like that sump, the bottom should be 100% supported otherwise it will eventually split a seam
It is going to be still working on the platform for it. It will sit on the platform which will have a top board the 4 2x4s are going to be the base for the platform.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Finally all finished up glued up everything in place ready for the switch to happen. So excited to see this thing rolling. Some adjustments on the light and some custom lids will be needed for this open concept sump but so far super clean looking. It will literally be a plug and play switch. With everything being done and in the right places. I will be pulling majority of the water out to fill the new tank and to also decrease the swimming area for the fish. Gonna. Remove rock and get it in its final position. Herd all the fish and start transferring over. I will be taking 3 scoops of sand over to help seed the sand bed. All rock will get moved over as well. Some pieces going in the sump and some in the display. Time to find a nice space saver skimmer for cheap or trade possibly. Going to do some video documentation and post it up on the masc instagram page so go check it out.
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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well transfer and set up when smooth. No leaking at all and fish have settled in just fine. Just waiting for things to clear up and then it will be rockin and rollin. Was able to get all frags in some rock in the sump. Have a super clean looking concept to it. Have some cable management to take care of but at least its rumblin on. Lots of flow with pump only at 50%. Boxtech wave maker opposite of the return nozzles that is at 30%. Love the controllability on the boxtech and for 59$ for the 2100gph model its a steal. (Have 2 in the 55g)
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I would consider swapping out that tube between the return pump and the hard plumbing to braided tubing. I read a horror story on R2R where the guy got woke up in the middle of the night with a loud pop… the tubing essentially gradually enlarged getting blown up like a balloon, eventually the balloon popped/burst and water went everywhere.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would consider swapping out that tube between the return pump and the hard plumbing to braided tubing. I read a horror story on R2R where the guy got woke up in the middle of the night with a loud pop… the tubing essentially gradually enlarged getting blown up like a balloon, eventually the balloon popped/burst and water went everywhere.

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Yea I have a few things I kinda want to swap out this is what I had on hand from previous tank tear downs and all the things snagged from there. Hardly any real pressure going through it total gallons on the tank itself with sump is 52g. I have my eye on some blue braided tubing to match everything but its a pretty penny. Hope all is well. Ill shoot you a text gotta meet up soon I have some things set aside for you.

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Nice. Yeah, I think it’s unlikely to be a concern. I wonder if he had some kind of blockage that caused back pressure and then that burst the pipe..

I’d rather mention it though, better safe than sorry.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Nice. Yeah, I think it’s unlikely to be a concern. I wonder if he had some kind of blockage that caused back pressure and then that burst the pipe..

I’d rather mention it though, better safe than sorry.

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Yea for sure I appreciate the feedback. I am wondering the same thing bunch of vermitids or something. I have a snake tool I run through the returns every 3 mos or so to get some of that gunk out. Clean freak and ocd makes things difficult sometimes lol

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Things are starting to settle in with the new set up. Looking forward to moving some more things over through the next few weeks.
Have a few things i am going to fune tune but the left side due to flow is going to be perfect for sps start with some montis and work up from there. Zoas settling in good. Hammers and frogspawn looking good goni is in and doing good so far. Fish love the space and swimming room.


Staff member
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
I bet you are ready to have things settle in and just enjoy! You have been busy with additions and changes lately. Did you use some old rock to get the tank started??

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I bet you are ready to have things settle in and just enjoy! You have been busy with additions and changes lately. Did you use some old rock to get the tank started??

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Yea I am ready. I used all the live rock from the 20g tall. So it was easy seeding the tank. Plus had all livestock transferred so same bioload. Happy this thing has space that was much needed. Still might wanna make a trip your way to grab a piece or 2 of rock for some added biodiversity in the sump. Update pics coming in a few without all the cloudiness.