Diamond in the Rough


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well stand is ready and tank is on it all i got is plumbing and remove occupants from the tide pool to get stand in place to plumb. Refill tide pool with removing some rock to the sump then fire it up and run with it.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Today was a long day got a lot done. Wife had heart surgery on Thursday. These last few days have been crazy with ups downs er trips and just monitoring everything going on. But today was a better day and i decided to get it all going while within distance for her to yell at me. Hope all is well everyone.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Primer finished. Sand and final paint is all thats left. First ever L shaped cabinet for me and the initial prep work was difficult but now the easy part. I

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Fish room is almost there. Never realized how much stuff I accumulated until I started unpacking it and sorting it out. One more red black cabinet to the basement and fill that. Pick up a biota yellow tang today from Underwater Wonders. Then acclimate and introduce. Things are really coming together.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Inside is all trimmed up and siliconed in. Now wait to dry and paint the interior to seal it. Project after project lately but getting close. Can't wait for this to be done and the sump and plumbing installed. Gonna make maintenance a breeze......hope everyone is doing well. @kchristensen8064 glad the tank is going to a good home and can't wait to see the build thread.

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sneak peek with one tank on it super excited for this to get into place.

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Just curious where you got the trim for the top of the stand, I like the way its shaped, and as I'm writing this I just realized I still have your suction cups in my car... crap!


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just curious where you got the trim for the top of the stand, I like the way its shaped, and as I'm writing this I just realized I still have your suction cups in my car... crap!
Hahaha it is base board trim at home depot. Pvc one stick at 11$ I believe wish I would have just glued instead of nailed but hey you learn something new everyday. For the most part doesnt even need paint as long as you pick a clean one. Used same kinda base board trim for the floating canopy in the living room and probably will again for this tank. Used velcro so I can remove the trim on the canopy whenever needed for full scrub session.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tested today and man was I surprised. Nitrates 17.8ppm phos .04ppm alk 7.2dkh (dosed up to 7.8) calcium 436ppm mag 1427ppm.

Things are finally stabilizing and nitrates are dropping slowly. Last week they were testing 32ppm before wc and 23ppm after. Vinegar dosing took forever but it is finally paying off. This tank is fed heavily and stocked heavily. Finishing out some pvc home rock structures for the 220 and final nsa scapes this week. Final rinse on the tank tomorrow and final back paint and boom. Start plumbing the big bad boy.

Tide pool tank and lps frag tank is waiting on stand to have a 24hr cure on the paint then finish with polyurethane for a nice clean smooth look. Things are finally coming together. It has taken some time but was definitely worth it.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Stand is all finished up and ready to go. Got the 20g tall moved to its new home. As well as got everything ready for a quick tear down tomorrow of the tide pool tank. Will get the tide pool tank plumbed and ready to go as well as drilled for returns. Get both tanks on do the pumbing move things into position amd hopefully get things back transferred in all in one day. Lmao its a lot to hope for if things dont go to plan the tide pool will be in a 40g breeder until it does. Looking good and excited to see the living room all put together. 20240713_222345.jpg 20240713_222327.jpg 20240714_213346.jpg 20240714_215345.jpg 20240714_215316.jpg 20240714_215254.jpg 20240714_215300.jpg 20240714_215312.jpg 20240714_215245.jpg
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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Update stand is in place and one tank is on. Transferred tide pool tank to a 40g breeder and got all equipment set up on it for now. Tomorrow tackle plumbing. And get equipment ready to go. Anyone want to come help me tackle the plumbing lol? Tide pool tank got bottom and back painted and will go on stand tomorrow. Will start with the 20g long plumbing and then move to the tide pool. 20240715_203532.jpg 20240715_203556.jpg 20240715_203613.jpg


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well almost ready one light mounted one to go. But that will happen acter I get everything put back into the tide pool tank and things flowing. Final steps fill and check for leaks while flowing. Transfer tide pool tank mount light. Get ato set up. Redo the screen mesh for the tide pool tank and make one for the frag system. Going to be nice having all equipment minus a wave maker in each system down in the sump.

I simulate a power outage everytime I set up to be sure that the sump will handle the back fill. Will also be keeping track of how many gallons it takes so I can dose accurately.

Pick up some nems from @Dr.DiSilicate as well this weekend.

Excited to see this thing flowing in the AM.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well lights are hung just waiting on the rest of the saltwater to mix up and then in it all goes. Have some cord management items to do just trying to get my house back to normal lmao. Gotta test flow and power outtage stuff before I throw livestock back in. 20240720_144623.jpg 20240720_144637.jpg 20240720_144458.jpg


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tide pool is rolling I got to grab one fitting for the 20g long system and it will be rolling too. Power outage scenario worked perfect with some extra breathing room still in the sump. Grabbed some nems from @Dr.DiSilicate today and got em in the tank. The clowns love em and have already gotten right in there. Hope all is well everyone.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Couple test frags for the lps frag tank going to monitor lightingand make adjustments as needed. Really wanting to find a light with a controller dimming functions but for now it will work. Just glad that it is finally up and flowing. 20240731_112716.jpg 20240731_112712.jpg

It is tied into the tidepool tank via sump so shouldn't be a problem for corals. Just trying to fine tune the light.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Still playing with the intensity of thelighting but so far so good. Had to frag the hammers lost 4 heads of each kind the last 4 days due to shading. Got some acans in there as well as some zoas that kept getting buried due to room. Must say it is looking good. I will be adding about 15 more frags tomorrow to it of purple tip frogspawn. Have some more zoas to frag up and then those can be added and lastly some torchs to throw in. Waiting on the torchs til I know for sure things are going good. 20240731_194102.jpg 20240731_194110.jpg 20240731_194116.jpg 20240731_194121.jpg