Diamond in the Rough


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Salt change went very well and things look awesome in all tanks. Acros still holding strong and encrusting and getting bigger. The salt killed me on everything. But kept a clear head and was able to get a solution and execute the plan. Now its a night and day difference that I am seeing. So now I am ready to sit back.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Is that a haddoni carpet anemone I saw peaking in one of those pics? I have one that I like, but he's eaten two damsels, a goby and a blenny. Now he's banished to a basket where the fish can't get to him.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Is that a haddoni carpet anemone I saw peaking in one of those pics? I have one that I like, but he's eaten two damsels, a goby and a blenny. Now he's banished to a basket where the fish can't get to him.
Yes it is so far so good. I have a mandarin I worry about but the mandarin doesnt like that area due to flow so it works.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes it is so far so good. I have a mandarin I worry about but the mandarin doesnt like that area due to flow so it works.
I think it's a risk you just have to acknowledge in keeping carpet nems. I had a watchman goby for over a year with the carpet, and then one day he got spooked by a tang that was harassing him, and swam right into the carpet. Some fish seem relatively aware to stay away. I worried most when introducing a brand new fish to the tank.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Was able to snag a few caps that I needed from the loss. Green cap from @rajah , orange from @Rigo07 , and a nice I am hoping plating graft from a trade in deal. The red I have is healing up nicely from everything.
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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well when life hits you with a tire iron. Daughter was in the ER for ruptured appendix. She is a warrior. Was borderline septic and not doing good. Emergency surgery Sunday and they were able to get everything cleaned out.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
On a brighter note getting ready to install this led bar got the custom mount brackets all finished up. And 2 holes drilled and i will be on my way. Will help me dial the whites down a little bit for algae purposes. Created it to be able to swivel on the ends to angle towards back glass. 20250105_100209.jpg 20250105_100158.jpg 20250105_124453.jpg 20250105_124508.jpg 20250105_124506.jpg


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Got it hung and must say it did its job things look awesome. Only gonna turn it on in the evening till I can grab a par meter and dial it in to where I am at currently and decrease the white output. Gotta love tank tear down freebies.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Was able to get things dialed in for dosing and all the lights moved around and set up. Got the skimmer in the new tank and cord management has been going well so far. One step at a time to get everything turned back around. Now keep having issues with a few things but got some excellent help from Garret and Seth over at underwater wonders.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Things have been super stable in the new reefbuilders tank and are looking awesome. 55 has been on a HydroSpace ProBio diet lately to help switch the bacteria up. Got some help from @Dr.DiSilicate with a very well established brick from his system and now things are finally starting to turn around. Everything had been super happy. Was dealing with some issues in the lps frag and tide pool system with flow and nutrients. Gotta grab a sixline to help with some flat worm issues in the tidepool. Going to try and figure out a way to add in a protein skimmer to that system to help remove some gunk that accumulates also wanna find a way to achieve more flow.....All in all it is starting to get there day by day.
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