Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon


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Just grabbed a few choice corals today, once I get them glued I’ll get some pics up. Not a lot to see… but it will be great!

I’ll also do some update pics of equipment.

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44 gallon satellite tank, this replaced a 20 gallon Nuvo. I have two small radion lights above it and a niro gyre moving water. Kinda my first lps only tank.


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The big tank was mostly restarted some months ago. A few of the old corals are still here. Just adding a collection of fancy new sticks. Super small, but bright, on the left side primarily.

On a side note, anyone want a space invader?? lol

This is the open scape, acro garden.

My cell phone doesn’t do it justice. It’s a work in progress too. Feels scary but rewarding to mostly start over. The tank was quite over populated before. Here’s to hoping it happens again.

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Looks great. That new left side will fill in before you know it. Diggin the middle rock - nice mix of coral structures with the plating montis and the acro on top.
Thanks!! I really hope the acro frags take off.

The center island is cool! I’d love to have it move to the right closer to where the huge space invader is… it’s currently hiding a really nice favia colony! The facia needs to be in a better spot or move to the little tank, I’m not sure it’ll fit and look ok in the small tank. Also, I need to move out some nems to do that.

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Here’s a pic or two of the back side… moves everything into a 100 gallon tub, thanks mural!, and organized the calcium reactor as well as the kalk reactor on a shelf. Much easier to get to!

I also won a filter sock at reefstock!! This thing is great. Water clarity is much better, was thinking of purchasing so I was happy to win one!

I also added a flow pump to the tub, hoping to keep all the detritus suspended so the filters can pull it out without siphoning.

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