LED Group buy!

Derek - you can have a couple of my LEDs - since I miscounted, I'm going to have to place a follow up LED only order anyway, so missing a couple more won't bother me. Actually, I may wait a couple of weeks until placing my order everyone gets into their build project and then see if anyone else needs a couple of replacements.


Turbo Snail
saltySamurai;81775 said:
Derek - you can have a couple of my LEDs - since I miscounted, I'm going to have to place a follow up LED only order anyway, so missing a couple more won't bother me. Actually, I may wait a couple of weeks until placing my order everyone gets into their build project and then see if anyone else needs a couple of replacements.
Sound like a good idea. Maybe I/someone might not like the color and order some other combination.


Cleaner Shrimp
i got a tracking number form him and it never worked but i did get my package about 4 days later. im sure u all will be happy i finished my build 2 days ago and WOW!
180 watt 20 blue 20 super blue 10 warm white 10 crisp white all on dimmers im loving it. The light is about "32 from the bottom of tank and about "22 from the first coral sps do u think this is high enough for a little while i will lower it slowly. Mainly that question is for crit21


Butterfly Fish
Mine bleached in 2 days because they're more powerful than they appear, especially the blues. That's because you get 3-4 times the amount of photosynthetic response with the blues than white. See the chart below. I don't trust PAR meters to accurately measure the PAR of blue LEDs.

I'd advise putting the LEDs at their final height right away, but dimming all of them as far as you can. Increase the intensity a little bit each day over a couple weeks until they're at full intensity.



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I will post the tracking number as soon as felix gets it. Aliexpress doesn't show it and doesn't show any updates on it.

As far as PAR goes, here is the graph from the meter I am going to buy.


Quantum response is from 400 to 700 nm and gives equal emphasis to all photons (Red line). A blue lens filters the light and improves the spectral response (Blue line). So the meter has a blue filter on it to adjust the emphasis given to the photons so the meter behaves more like plant response (Green line). You can see it doesnt match up perfect.

Like Dan stated, it under estimates the blue in the low range.


Butterfly Fish
What I really meant was that PAR meters aren't good at measuring photosynthetic response by organisms. Even if a white and a blue LED had the same PAR reading, it's just a measure of the energy, and not a measure of photosynthetic response. A white LED and a blue LED with PAR readings of 100 doesn't mean you'll get the same response to each LED. You actually get more photosynthetic response from the blue.

My LEDs appear much less bright than my old 400W 14,000K MH, but I get growth that's at least the same as with the MH. The pigmentation is MUCH more pronounced with the LEDs, though.


Turbo Snail
spssps;82251 said:
i got a tracking number form him and it never worked but i did get my package about 4 days later. im sure u all will be happy i finished my build 2 days ago and WOW!
180 watt 20 blue 20 super blue 10 warm white 10 crisp white all on dimmers im loving it. The light is about "32 from the bottom of tank and about "22 from the first coral sps do u think this is high enough for a little while i will lower it slowly. Mainly that question is for crit21
Any pictures/built thread to share?


Turbo Snail
spssps;82338 said:
this is about all i have i never took pictures during the building.
View attachment 1791 View attachment 1790 View attachment 1789
Looks really nice! How many gallon is that? My computer crashed over the weekend and has a lot of info on it. Hopefully I can recover it when the IDE to usb reader come in. My Arduino project is on it and hopefully I can get it so I can continue soon. Got my C channel heat sink and planning to built the hood this weekend. Cant wait for the LED to come so I can start drilling and tapping.

How far apart are your LEDs and what's the temp of the heat sink?


Cleaner Shrimp
60 gallon. leds are about "2.5 apart not sure on the temp of the heat sink it does not get hot there are 4 fans in the hood. As for as drilling and tapping that seems like a lot of work i used thermal past and it is quick and easy i had all 60 pasted and done in about 15min.