If we had five or six polyp frags of the SM's, I probably would sell them for $20.
Had to start out with one polyp, now up to about 5+, now that it's growing faster with more polyps to work with, hopefully it won't be long. Also kicking around the idea of using a polyp or so as a prize at the next swap or putting it into DBTC if we do have a DBTC chain meeting at the store.
There are several "high end", what ever that supposedly means, polyps formerly known as something or others, in the same boat that I think are alot prettier. Guess how much they'll likely go for once we have enough for a decent sized frag when the time comes?
But since we had to start with micro frags, it's going to take a little longer.
Like I said, I get the fair market thing to a point. But if you went to the grocery store, and all the food was super low grade, suitable for prison use only, and all the good food cost $500 for a nice looking apple, pack of sandwich meat, or can of Pepsi, because some guy bought it all up at the warehouse an called it Bob's LE Food, everybody would be up in arms over the insane price gouging.