Sounds like the g/f's engineering family likes me...they're helping me design and make a calc reactor. Chemical, Mechanical/Civil, Electrical, Bio engineers all working together to build me a reactor, I jealous. That's the next step.
For right now, WTF makes mine and hurra's fungia frag so different? Both came from the same mother. Coloration is the same. Mine has brown tentacles around the middle, and green tentacles around the outside that are always out. If I just fed him or not, they are always out. Hurra's seems to be rectracted. My nem (and a few LPS) took a turn for the worse. I went away one weekend, then BAM!!, it looked like crap when I came back. I do feed it more often now (once a week). I lost three acan colonies and my raptors piece retracted a bit. Everything just kinda slowed down. I made some SM frags for the Dec. frag swap, now I have three frags with 10 heads each. Anyone want to buy some SM? What's weird is that they appear to take on different coloration, even though the frags are right next to each other on the frag rack.
Inverts and fish. One of my clowns is developing lots faster than the other, the female? The second is just now starting his third stripe. I thought that they had the big jawbone thing going one, now I don't really think so. Oh well, you tell me in the pic. Yes I know its fuzzy, but you should look at the other ones, yikes! I bought a pretty big foxface, as compared to the other fishes. He eats algae like mad. I bought a red mandarin a while back and was concerned about the pod population (I know, I know. I should've done my homework first), so I bought the bags of pods from eBay. From experience, they are great, go get you some. Now he's a fat lil mandarin. The chromis are being chromis and just being. I bought a tiger tail cucumber, they are sweet looking, but only come out at night, at least for me. I then bought a yellow cucumber, I love him too. Although he doesn't look as good under such blue lights as opposed to the whiter ones. My cleaner shrimp are shedding a few times a week, I find a molting in the powerhead or sticking out of a coral at least every other day. I'm still worried about my red lankia star because I didn't really understand the dietary requiments (the homework thing I know). He's sweet, I'm just scared that he's going to begin melting soon. The sand sifting star...sifts sand. Clams are sweet, one of the maximas likes to move around a lot. Snails are being snails, I still have a lot of the 120 ceriths I got from MTS. I think that's about it, on with the pics.
bouncing back nem with two clowns
Two differences between Space Monsters
Peace sign starfish
Mandarin and some chalice. White zoa's are passion fruit or something like that.
Top down using my acrylic box
What you guys think? See anything you like?