Selling Raffle items on Craigslist

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Selling Raffle items on Craigslist

Red jacket Green jacket.......... let it go already


M.A.S.C Club Member
303travism;229404 said:
Red jacket Green jacket.......... let it go already
The guy has got a handful of people that have hijacked his character on this board. He carefully responded to each insinuation or accusation. He's entitled to respond so let him speak, brother.

Well said, Evan. You put a lot of passion into the club. I've seen you pull a lot of newbs (including myself) into the fold with willingness to help.

Alrighty gotta run to finish building my redneck pitcher reactor.
Evan, makes excellent points, and he has the right to explain his position. I am sorry that I jumped to conclusions.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Selling Raffle items on Craigslist

Ok guys this is my opinion NOT the BODS. For those of you that are feel Evan did the comunity wrong (which I personally don't ) you guys need to step back and look at what your doing to this comunity filling it with drama that's not needed! I know many people that are tired of the pot stirrers some of which Are the founding members that are leaving the club because of these antics. If this club is so important to u then we need to stop this drama bull and get back to reefing and enjoying the hobby rather than bringing it down. If we as masc ever want to become a bigtime club and host big events we can not have this drama and arguing going on.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Craigar;229423 said:
Ok guys this is my opinion NOT the BODS. For those of you that are feel Evan did the comunity wrong (which I personally don't ) you guys need to step back and look at what your doing to this comunity filling it with drama that's not needed! I know many people that are tired of the pot stirrers some of which Are the founding members that are leaving the club because of these antics. If this club is so important to u then we need to stop this drama bull and get back to reefing and enjoying the hobby rather than bringing it down. If we as masc ever want to become a bigtime club and host big events we can not have this drama and arguing going on. !
Seems like this was dead until now!! So what you are saying is if someone has an opinion that they should not voice it? I think it was wrong but thats my opinion! I voiced it and droped it. So if my opinion does not match yours I should not say it? So if I am a pot stirrer (or if i can not have an opinion) I will gladdly leave this club. I dont knock you for your opinion or the way you think, until you call me out on MINE! You say that this is not RC but did you not just puff up your chest and use a heavy hand? Is that not just like RC? I like you Craig but please please do not tell me I am wrong for my opinion!

I do need a break from this club!!!!!

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Selling Raffle items on Craigslist

Well since I'm the OP of the thread and the BOD announced that there was no policy for re-selling raffle items, I believe this thread has run its course and served its purpose so I am now closing it. If anyone has any further questions please feel free to PM a BOD.

As always thank you everyone for your support, since if it weren't for you the club would not exist. We look forward to seeing everyone soon and be on the look out for some fun and exciting news coming up this week !!!!


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
B.O.D. Member-at-Large
This thread was dead till brought back up peopel leave stuff alone if its done and over get over it no need to dig things up again.

Oh I am also tired of all this not RC or RC slamming, so drop that too this is our club no need to compare or dispparage another site.

Reminder about MASC policies
MASC Policies

To better serve the members of Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado the following polices have been clarified. This list is by no means final and can be changed at anytime to reflect the views and ideas of our members. If you have any questions contact the board at

1. Commercial sellers are not to post "for sale" threads on MASC forums unless they are a sponsor. A commercial seller is defined as someone who has a Sales Tax License, who purchases goods (livestock, dry goods, etc) to make a profit; or a person who has a dedicated website for selling aquarium items; or regularly uses sites like EBay or Craigslist to sell aquarium items/livestock.

2. Infractions will be given and posts will be edited and/or removed for any of the following reasons:
- Commercial posts by non-sponsors (spamming will result in your account being locked immediately)
- Posting negative feedback about a sponsor if you are affiliated with a competing commercial entity.
- Rude or offensive posts directed at another user or person (our mission is to ENCOURAGE fellow hobbyists)
- Injecting yourself into "disputes" that have absolutely nothing to do with you. This normally leads to threads getting out of hand and/or flaming.
- Criticizing other peoples' threads. Please participate in the conversation, but if there is a concern about topics, prices, etc., PM either the creator of the thread OR the BOD.
- Asking for DBTC corals. These corals are given away at the owners' leisure, do NOT ask for them.
- Making threads for the purpose of instigating problems with the general membership
- Making posts that will instigate "flaming"
- Bringing personal problems that do NOT occur on the website onto the website
- For harrasing/threatening PM's that are reported to the BOD! Screenshot must be provided!!!

A user will be allowed 3 infractions before the board considers whether or not that member will be banned from the MASC website. This policy also includes ALL sponsors!!

Please Note:

MASC develops sponsorship relationships with a hope that they will be mutually beneficial to our sponsors and our club members. We try to select sponsors that have a positive history and offer good products, but we can not be responsible for every business transaction. It is your responsibility as a consumer to work out any problems directly with the sponsor, but if something does arise, please notify the MASC board as well ( If a sponsor is consistently failing to please our members, we will remove their sponsorship to prevent future issues, but can not force our sponsors to take any specific corrective actions. Alternatively, if a sponsor gives you great service (as most of them do!) don't forget to leave positive feedback here on our forums. That will help build those win-win relationships between sponsors and the club members.
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