Tank is only a few months old. I would wait longer for my tank to establish more if I were to go the Moorish Idol route. If established means stable I think I am there. Sure there are things that I can't test for but my parameters have been spot on for 3 or so months now. I dropped a ton of dough into this system for stability reasons. I have ATO which maintains salinity, continuous water change system which changes the water at 1.5gpd, carbon & gfo changed monthly, CA reactor with ARM and mag media keeps my alk, ca and mag stable.
These params have been the same for a while now:
SG 1.025/PH 8.15avg/Temp 79avg/Ammonia-Nitrite 0/NO3-PO4 Undetectable/KH 9/CA 450/MG 1350/
These params have been the same for a while now:
SG 1.025/PH 8.15avg/Temp 79avg/Ammonia-Nitrite 0/NO3-PO4 Undetectable/KH 9/CA 450/MG 1350/