The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
I took a few house photos now that we can (gingerly) walk on the floors. We're going to start moving some stuff in tomorrow. Then, the big changes happen. Two weeks of finish stuff and then the movers come to move the mattresses over! (My back feels better, but not that much better, though I'm just about to the point that I'd drag the mattresses over with my teeth.)


Cleaner Shrimp
All I can say is Wow. I've been watching this thread sence it was just a few posts. I was and still am in Awe. The floors look fabulous, the blue walls will look fabulous. I think it will be amazing once the tanks start to look like little pockets of ocean mixed around.

So what is the estimate on completion at this point? Starting to look close to me.

You know we ALL want to see it in person.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Oop, sorry I haven't been around all day. Thanks, Vance! By completion date, do you mean "day we start sleeping there," "day most of the crew will really be done," or "day the landscaping will be done"? We should start sleeping over there on the 18th. :)

Thanks, Gale!

So, now that the floors are done, we are past all of the major dust-causing projects. So, we moved tons of books over today:


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Are you going to have enough bookshelves for them???? have the most bookshelves I've ever seen other than a library hehe.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
That is really cool. Do those lights have individual pulleys? It looks like you can set the height of each light individually?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Do those lights have individual pulleys? It looks like you can set the height of each light individually?
Yep. They are all separate.

Jason--Well, where the heck have you been? ;) Thanks!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Hey Andy, looking good!

When is the fill day? We are all looking forward to seeing some water above 1.0000001 in there!

Are the storage tanks both salt or do you have one and one?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, I've suddenly become hella busy with work. In fact, I just finished for the day about ten minutes ago. I still need to typeset a book tomorrow and then I have a meeting with my bookkeeper, but work should start tapering after that so I can get back to the fun stuff.

There, too, I really don't want to do the final fill until the painter stops using whatever varnish he's using for the wood and the smell dissipates. My throat has been sore after I come out of the house for the past couple of days and that stuff can't be safe for fish. So, as soon as he gets back to latex.

The display tank needs to stay dry a little longer because I have someone doing some concrete structures for it and he wants it dry until he designs everything to the plumbing. A couple more weeks for that or so.

But, I can get the basement going soon.

I'm planning the storage tanks for one fresh and one salt. I'm going to run the topoff water through kalk and dose it with a peristaltic pump, so I'm not terribly worried about overdosing. Of course, I don't have to fill it to the brim every day, either.

The install of the rest of the stand skin will likely start tomorrow, so I'll sure have some more eye candy for you soon....


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I understand. The whole community can get rather intense. And it can be really stressful when lives are at stake. Nice to see you!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow! That was crazy. I'm just back from my afternoon. If you haven't heard, Boulder had some insane winds today and several fires that they couldn't control because of the winds. My horse lives out in a barn a little north of the city, less than a mile from where one of the fires started. So, I ran out there and had to drive all over the place to get through to the barn. All of the main roads were blocked. Here's a photo I took on my phone while stopped at one of the blockades:

That was several miles away from the fire.

I finally got to the barn. Mass chaos. I got my horse out and onto a guy's trailer. Helped a couple other people. He told me to meet him at the county fairgrounds. I could see the flames from the barn. As I was leaving, the guy stopped to get a couple more horses on the trailer. I had to stop for gas on the way, so I lost him completely. When I got to the fairground, no horse. The county people turned him away (despite having empty stalls, hmmph). I finally tracked him down hours later at a private barn that took in ten of the horses. He's fine. In fact, he already has Dieter, the hand, wrapped around his hoof.

Crazy night. My kiddo's pretty worked up. We're giving her part of the morning off tomorrow so we can take her out to visit. I'm sure to be sick later after having the gas station's finest for dinner. Ugh.

Fortunately, it sounds like they managed to get all of the 100 horses at my barn to safety. I don't know if the barn is still there any longer.


Cleaner Shrimp
Wow, glad you and the horses are all right.

I actually did see a barn burning on the news. The helicopter pilot said it was a horse ranch, and wasn't sure the horses had all been moved in time. I hope it wasn't another barn where they didn't get them out.

That area is a fire trap. I would guess this is the third fire in that area sence I was in high school (around 88). During one such blaze I was living on the northern edge of Countryside Village Moble home park(around 90-92ish) and was nearly evacuated. Everyone who lived on the north side of Yarmouth including my girlfriend (at the time) and her parents were evacuated.

It does seem like every so many years a spark hits the ground just north of Lee hill and whoosh, Grass fire.. Again.

Well, again, glad your all right.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Oh yeah. There was a grass fire last year that was also only about a mile from the barn. Fortunately, that one never moved toward the barn and only took out some fences.

This one was far worse.

Thanks for the well-wishes!
Glad you got your horse to safety. I saw several trucks with horse trailers yesterday heading toward the fairgrounds...wonder why they turned them away.

I was driving in south Longmont last night and could easily see the flames on the side of the hill. Scary stuff being so close to everything. Don't see any smoke this morning, looks like they might have got it under control.

There was a guy working at Ace last night that said he had been evacuated before he came to work. That sucks.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I went to visit him this morning. He's doing fine. In fact, he's going home today. The fire trashed the fields of the next farm over, but they managed to save the buildings and I guess they managed to contain it before it spread to my barn. Whew.

It's good to hear that things are back to normal in New York after 9/11. One of my editors wrote and said, "I hope everything's fine. Don't worry about the project. You can get it to me any time today, it doesn't have to be first thing." Sigh.