The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
Actually, it's not too bad. I run a hose in through the window to fill. To drain, I just turn the hose into a siphon and water the yard.

So, after 24 hours the pH is finally stabilized at 8.8. Time for another water change....


M.A.S.C Club Member
Dang. I hate it when Aqua Imports gets in _really_ good-looking livestock. jntcox, you're psychic. Without further ado:

These guys are _huge_!

And in other news, the tunicate volunteers that showed up on the coral are doing really well. Sorry this is a little fuzzy. I did my best with the glass.

Hopefully the glass won't be a huge issue for long. I just got in an order of snails from RSF that I hope will have a large population explosion.

The display pH is taking longer to settle down (less buffer from the concrete?), but eventually hit 8.8 after ~24 hours. So, another water change today.


Turbo Snail
Ummfish;11106 said:
Dang. I hate it when Aqua Imports gets in _really_ good-looking livestock. jntcox, you're psychic.
Well I finally bought a mandarin last week at a fs in Ft Collins, while watching it in my tank, I was wondering if any great strides have been made in breeding (you know, finding a substitute for wild caught food) since Wittenrich did it, I figured since you are still in the early stages of your mini seaworld J what better person to do it.. than you.

BTW I love the colors on those... very nice.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I swear I think that Witt mentioned in his thread that he did one run with just rots as the first food, just to see if it was possible. From what I recall, he had massive mortalities but got some through. I'll see if I can find the page.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Here's one quote:

I have 2 mandarins at 24 days old in a 10 gallon tank fed only rotifers. They are at a developmental stage of an 8 day old fish from the first run with plankton.

I also have ~19 that are 25 days old in a 10 gallon tank fed plankton only once and then only rotifers. These guys look like a 12dph fish from the first run.
From the last post on this page:

From the next page:

At the end of the day it is a matter of scale. How many mandarins do you want to raise? Personal satisfaction has long been the dominant motivator in this game and this species can surely be raised with a small culture of copepods.
Aha! I found it:

Feeding larvae is never a straightforward issue and never as easy as looking at the food alone. I have raised a good number of mandarins now on nothing but rotifers. Obviously, mortality rates are quite high, but it can be done.
From about 3/4 the way down this page:


Turbo Snail
Ummfish;11112 said:
Aha! I found it:

Feeding larvae is never a straightforward issue and never as easy as looking at the food alone. I have raised a good number of mandarins now on nothing but rotifers. Obviously, mortality rates are quite high, but it can be done.

From about 3/4 the way down this page:

Andy, Now I remember reading that,... I think I dismissed it because I looked at it pessimistically. But even if only one made it, I would be so excited and encouraged to press on!!:)
Ahh… I wish I had a work schedule that would allow me to take on such a hobby like that!!
I guess I have to live vicariously through others in this matter.:(


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks, y'all!

Train 'em to eat frozen foods. There's a guy at MOFIB that keeps three _pairs_ of dragonettes in a 24 gal. nanocube. They all eat frozen foods and they all spawn.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, you know, even if I never manage to raise any just seeing the spawning behavior would be an amazing reward.

I wish I had a work schedule that would allow me to take on such a hobby like that!!
I know that I have a great situation to try this hobby--working at home--but lots of people manage to raise a lot fish while working. You have to get good at managing your time and work it so you're stocking rots before and after work, but it can be done.


Turbo Snail
Unfortunately, I’m away 4-5 days at a time. However, the alternative for me is that my wife is just as excited about the hobby as I am (I’m often telling her, "No, we can't afford that! Or let's wait until we get the nitrates down a little bit more.") (I’m very cautious) I just have to get her to learn more about breeding, and then… the skies the limit.
We got bit by the bug because we had a mated pair of striped damselfish that laid eggs about every week and half. But we didn’t want to waste our time with those so it was free food for the tank. We eventually traded them and now we have some true percs that we’re waiting to see what happens.


M.A.S.C Club Member
That sounds perfect. You get to enjoy this aspect of the hobby and she does all the day-to-day work. ;)

I understand the bug. Intellectually, emotionally, it's a rush. Good luck with the percs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, plans change but at the moment one is DSB, at least two will be macroalgae growth (chaeto in one, ulva and gracillaria in another to feed tangs), one is FO for live rock cleaning, one is for water changes. As for the rest, QT and fish holding, rubble zones for pod production, etc. I'll probably keep pairs of Banggais in there, since only two can be in one tank and I'd like to try to produce a lot of the little guys. Etc.

In the main, though, water volume. I like to have a lot of water behind-the-scenes to make it easier to keep the display.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Filefish update:

Day 66:

Walked in on the male in full-blown display early this afternoon. The female did some curtseying. And they did some slow swims around each other down the length of the tank. And, later, when the female ignored him in display the male did an abdomen nudge which set off a flurry of activity. Lot of dorsal spine(? What would you call that?) raising at each other and that ended up with some algae ramming on the brand-new short algae on the front glass! Still no color changes from the female and her responses have not hit the frenetic pitch that you see in Matt's videos, but she's eyeing him!!