The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
It's full!! I'm still not circulating the water through the tanks downstairs. I figured that maybe I should let the sandstorm die down just a little. :)

FTS, living room side:

FTS, foyer side:

FTS, bathroom side (don't need a curtain any more :) ):



M.A.S.C Club Member
Gale--Actually, the concrete is displacing a _lot_ of sand. I still have 11 boxes left over (at 40lbs./box). I guess the downstairs tanks get sandbeds, too.
Are you thinking of selling any sand? I assume you got a good price since you got so much of it ;)

Awesome tank, your thread is the reason I keep checking this site.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks! I hadn't really thought about selling any yet. I like sandbeds and I'm pretty psyched to have leftovers to use elsewhere. I'll let you know, though.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't know. I've been staring at the freshwater soak version of the tank for a long time, so it's kind of refreshing to see it like this. The "moors-in-a-mist, rocks-looming-out-of-the-fog" thing is kind of nice as a change. The lights aren't on yet, but I can almost see all the way across the tank this morning.

Looks like I need to get some more sections of loc-line for the closed-loop returns. The top returns sucked huge amounts of air when I tried them out yesterday.


Turbo Snail
More dialing in, tweaking here, an adjustment there. But it's nice to know the dust is settling. Those tanks in the basement are pretty much cycled, right? So does that mean that when you turn the valves to connect everything together, you’re not going to have to wait long to introduce fishes and corals, right?

edit: what is with me being the one starting the new pages lately? I think this is the forth one!!:)


M.A.S.C Club Member
You're so cool! Go page starter, go page starter....

I hope those tanks in the basement are cycled. They have a pretty decent fish load going. I turned the valves last night! Insta-sand storm for the basement tanks but the main tank is mostly clear. I'd like to give the main tank a little while to build up the fauna a bit, but, yeah, the tanks are supporting the current load fine so it should be fine to start transferring stock upstairs whenever.

I think the tangs need to move pretty soon. The large one has been chasing the smaller one quite a bit. Some weird behaviors last night....

Hey, does anyone have any links to video of tang courtship behaviors? Last night, the small one was chasing the large one around. Flopping to 45 degrees and vibrating and put on a white face coloration. The larger one was _fat_ too. U swimming patterns in the water column. Nothing ever came of it and it eventually degenerated back into aggression, but it was pretty cool while it lasted.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tangs prefer Barry White music above all else.

Although my Purple Tang is into Prince.

Then again my eight year old son listens to Duke Ellington.

I really enjoy this thread.

Thanks for sharing,



M.A.S.C Club Member
Regarding the tangs, I found some information in Thresher, Reproduction in Reef Fishes.

Nothing specifically on purple tangs, but lots of information. He cites two sources as saying that "temporary spawning colors they observed were identical to those developed by the males during agonistic encounters" (p. 274).

As far as sexing and size dimorphism in Zebrasoma, in one Zebrasoma species males were larger than females, in another species females were larger than males (p. 273). No help there.

Courtship behaviors:

Though details are still largely lacking, general spawning behavior appears to be similar throughout these fishes. The male approaches the female, may develop a distinctive spawning color, and then moves parallel to her. In A. dussumieri the male also rolls dorsally toward the female while lying on the bottom before her and vibrates his body vigorously while moving across in front of her (p. 274).
The pair then make a spawning ascent.

As far as length of courtship:

At first ... groups tend to form and break up rapidly, but as darkness approaches they last increasingly longer and the movements of the fish increase in speed (p. 275).
Hmm. That's a lot like what I saw but there was no spawning ascent.

A great book if you ever see it.

Jason--I think there's going to have to be some live rock in the display. As it is, I don't think there'll be enough shelter sites for fish until there's a lot of coral growth. So, I'll build some homes for every one before I toss any fish in there.


M.A.S.C Club Member
A quick update, I picked up a Balanophyllia a week or so ago and have been trying to nurse it back to health. It came in really starved. Well, I got my first look at the tentacles this afternoon! Absolutely no extension up 'til today (on an azooxanthellate coral, sigh). It's the coral on the right.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, unfortunately they are pelagic spawners of tiny eggs (up to 400,000 eggs at a time) and the larvae spend upwards of 6 months in the plankton, so almost no chance of rearing them. But, it'd be a sight to see.