The build thread: 430gal. display


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
That was a great view. If you find those eggs, post some pics with the size. I know Matt had a hard time finding his eggs :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, it's getting there. The top of the rock on the right side is still my problem area. I'm much happier these days, though.


Another busy night around here last night. First off, we have a long cleaner wrasse spawning video. I wanted to show you some of the courtship leading up to the actual spawning. The spawning ascent occurs right at the end of the video. Please note that they seem to be getting more used to the height of the water column as they don't break the water's surface. Hopefully that'll mean a better chance of fertilized eggs, if I ever manage to catch any.

Also up this evening were the filefish. Sorry about the quality of the video, it's just a webcam. Unfortunately, the actual spawning event happened mostly behind a rock tonight (you can still see some of the male's snout). But I wanted to show some of the important aspects of pre-spawning courtship behavior. So, you'll see the female pacing the tank, dorsal spine erect. She stops occasionally to nip at likely patches of algae ("thrust"). Their eggs are the green of algae, so they camouflage really well. You'll also see the male follow the female in her search for a likely spot, sometimes displaying with quick spreads of his caudal fin and other fins ("spread," if he combines with a headstand, "flutter dive"), sometimes nudging her abdomen with his snout, and sometimes nuzzling with his snout up under her snout and it looks like he vocalizes to her ("nuzzle"). After the spawn and after a short pause, the male's coloration changes and he engages in a whirling, crazy display with head stands, fin spreads, and flickering ventral flap ("flutter dive"). The male engages in flutter dives often during the day, but not usually with as much verve as after a spawn.

The quoted terminology in parentheses above come from:

Barlow, George W. 1987. "Spawning, eggs and larvae of the longnose filefish Oxymonacanthus longirostris, a monogamous coralivore." Environmental Biology of Fishes. Vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 183-194.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Here are photos of a sixline wrasse egg!!!

At 4x under the scope, with backlighting:

At 4x under the scope, with no backlighting:

To give you a sense of scale, I took a photo of millimeter marks on a ruler at 4x:

At 10x, with backlighting:

At 10x, with no backlighting:



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Very nice pics, Andy.
I'm assuming (because of the oil globule) that these guys would be too small to raise without calanoid copepods?


M.A.S.C Club Member
That's the $10,000 question. Or, at least the $10 question. Not much money in fish.

They look like, what, about 800 microns? A heck of a lot bigger than cleaner wrasse eggs, from the info on Iris' site. And, that's just about the same size as mandarin eggs ( Now, Witt has stated that he has gotten some mandarins through with just rots as a first food--probably S strain and probably at a really high stocking density so there are enough juvenile rots for the larvae to use as food.

Also, Matt's filefish eggs are mighty dang small and he's doing it with rots and harpacticoids. No calanoids. (He still has 40 larvae to 12 days on the latest batch, BTW).

So, it might be possible. No one knows yet. Might as well give it a shot. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sixline eggs at 17 hours.

1: You think I'm getting some bacterial contamination? The Maracyn was a little late for this one.

2: But then others seem mostly unaffected. I doubt it's fertile, though, because I would imagine the egg would have split several times by now.
