The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
:) And I finally downloaded Barry White's greatest hits, but I haven't started playing it yet. It's no secret: Lots of food.

This is just a short video from this morning to commemorate that the filefish are at day 183 in my care, seven months and two days. They've also now been five months today with no access to live coral.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks, Gale. They're a little thinner than they were there. I've cut down on the amount of prawn eggs that I'm offering them and it seems to be helping a little. I was starting to get pretty nervous about fatty liver.

Another bunch of horse photos, perhaps? I know you all hate seeing pictures, but I still can't help showing this guy off. His mate doesn't spend nearly as much time near the front glass, but I hope to get some of her soon.

Here's a closer crop of that one:

And a pouch shot:

And one of his tankmates:



M.A.S.C Club Member
Check this out!

Papa finally popped! My lovely bride spotted 'em this morning and we managed to get eight out and into a goldfish bowl kreisel. Looks like they are taking rots. I'm working on hatching out small strain BBS. One is already hitching!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Wooohoooo excellent. I thought his pouch was looking huge.
Thanks, Gale! I was still worried that it might be a parasite issue or something. But it's pretty cool! They are tiny--smaller than the amphipods that are trying to get into the goldfish bowl--but they seem like good swimmers. I've added a hitching mesh to the tank since some of them look like they want to settle already.


M.A.S.C Club Member
BTW, sad news. I lost the rest of the seahorse babies. Next time....

But, the Citron gobies are spawning again tonight. This time they chose an actual coral to spawn on:

I'm surprised. The one in the photo took a big piece of urchin spine in the side (black mark on its left side in photo) earlier in the week and I thought I was going to lose it. But the wound healed over and it's been doing fine.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I did manage to take some more photos last night. Looks like something ate the eggs overnight, though. I wouldn't put it past the male, as he's had a hard week and could probably use some extra nutrition.

The complete photo:

100% crop:




M.A.S.C Club Member
I finally got a really good nitrate test kit. So now I know that my nitrate _isn't_ actually 0. In actuality, it's 1. :)

Had some problems with the acros recently. I had a big die-off of some of the algae at the same time as my kalkwasser gave out. The pH took a plunge down under 8 before I could get the kalk up and running again, so I lost a couple of frags and a couple of small colonies. Now that I'm solidly back up over 8.1 all day, things seem to be resolving. At any rate, it was only the acros that showed any issues.

Sorry I haven't done a lot of updating (like FTS) lately. I'm pretty slammed for time recently and the extra I have has been going to plumbing the larval system. I want to try with some sixlines, soon!