I finally got a really good nitrate test kit. So now I know that my nitrate _isn't_ actually 0. In actuality, it's 1.
Had some problems with the acros recently. I had a big die-off of some of the algae at the same time as my kalkwasser gave out. The pH took a plunge down under 8 before I could get the kalk up and running again, so I lost a couple of frags and a couple of small colonies. Now that I'm solidly back up over 8.1 all day, things seem to be resolving. At any rate, it was only the acros that showed any issues.
Sorry I haven't done a lot of updating (like FTS) lately. I'm pretty slammed for time recently and the extra I have has been going to plumbing the larval system. I want to try with some sixlines, soon!