The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
Here's a new batch of eggs at about 24 hours post-spawn. Looks like a lot are fertile. :)

100% crop.

And enlarged to 200%.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Horse baby update. Day 3 (the day big die-off started on the last run). By this point last time, I had already lost 1/3 of the fry and another 1/3 would be dead by the end of the day. This time, 1 cull so far.

Some photos from just before the second feeding:

This fry looks like it hasn't started on BBS yet. But compare to day 3 from the first run. FAT belly! :)

This fry looks like it's been taking a mix of both foods:

And this one looks like it's solidly moved on to BBS:



M.A.S.C Club Member
You're jealous. Why?

And here are the 48 hour shots. Looks like maybe some eye development starting.

Full photo:

100% crop:

200% enlargement:


M.A.S.C Club Member
Its amazing the color change they go through. I first saw that on a video I have that details the habitat of the bluespot jaw. Pretty crazy!


M.A.S.C Club Member
rocks. no sand whatsoever. Its all just small rubble, from quarter sized pieces to baseball sized coralline covered rocks that they arrange to create their tunnels and caves. I wish that I could find the video of it online. The name of the video set is Wondrous Secrets of the Ocean Realm. Its a 6 disc dvd set that we picked up at costco for like 20 bucks.

Heres a really crappy pic that I took of the TV of a male in full flashing splendor!



M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, they've been working on that for a couple of days. It doesn't last long. And that haven't started hunting while hitched that I've seen.

Today's goby egg installment:



M.A.S.C Club Member
I just looked again at the goby eggs. Looks like most of them have just about exhausted their yolk. They should hatch tonight.