What is your favorite fish and why.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Pearlys are awesome. I am planning to put a group of them in my big tank. They are the only jawfish that is social. In the wild they tend to live in small social groups, where as all other jawfish are pretty much solitary.
I think it will make a great addition. In theory my fish selections would not be considered social(I think my Achilles is an exception to the species he is pretty docile)but everyone seems to get along great and I need a bottom dweller.

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Favorite fish in my tank right now is the yellow tang. Super active all the time picking at algae in the rock. It also sometimes pairs up with the fairy wrasse and they do laps around the tank in tandem.


Hey you
M.A.S.C Club Member
it's a toss up between my wrasses or my clowns. My tricolor wrasse would watch my sandsifter and then try to sift sand itself it was hilarious. My new cleaner wrasse twists its self when I walk up to the tank like it's showing off or something. Never seen a fish do that lol. Wrasses just have so much personality and striking color but my eyes tend to stare at the clowns the most. Their colors are awesome and they swim hypnotically and are fairly unusual compared to most fish I have.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a few: Genicanthus Angelfish but specifically a Watanabei Pair, X. Triggers with Crosshatch and Sargassum as my faves, Chocolate Tang and any Leopard wrasse.

I only keep reefs but, Semilevartus Butterfly would be all over any fish-only that I ever set up.