Syn's 850g.t.v Deep Brain system


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Little over 6 months without a water change, so time for the 2nd round of ICP analysis, and here is the results.

Basic breakdown
- Unwanted metals all look good except Tin. No idea how or where the tin is coming from, although not really that concerned about it.
- Macros - Mg is still really high, and I have no idea why. I am not dosing this one at all but it still remains well over 1500. Bromine, lithium, manganese, vanadium and Iodine are all a tad low, although not critical, but time to look into adding a few supplements to keep those in the green
- Nutrients - Phosphates and phosphorous are fairly high, which is somewhat expected, and havent seen any ill effects from this in the tank so not really concerned, but something to keep an eye on as I start increasing the fish population again.

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Printed one of the weird shaped tops for the big tank, and also made one for the little frag tank. The big one I actually made it the wrong size, so I had to print extensions all around the edges, which I am not a big fan of overall. Really wnat to keep the edges as thin as possible so they diffuse as little light as possible, but I likely will re-print it sometime in the future, but for now it works fine.
The frag tank one I made little hooks on the under side so it would hold the nem basket, which works great
I have one more triangular top to make for the big tank yet, which I will be working on next week. Hopefully I can get the scaling right this time

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Those look really big. How big can you print?


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Those look really big. How big can you print?
They are quite big and take awhile to print, but have to break them up and print it in pieces. Most of them are broke in to about 20 pieces that I then assemble after printing. My current printer is a CR-10s Pro with a build volume of 12"x12"x14"
Third top is printing rights now actually. Its about halfway done. Top piece is just finishing and then I print an under side pieces that holds the screen in place.

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Finished with the 3d top today. This one came out the best so far and was almost perfect, until I glue it together upside down. Doh. Had to take it partially apart and put it back together to fix it. Figured out my scaling issue so I likley will re-do the other triangular top since it just doesn't fit right and I am not happy with it. Now that I figured out a better process and the scaling, it should come out much better the second time.
Other tank changes: I hung the 250w MH fixture, I got from Mike a while back, over the tank which will let me put more corals on the arches.
I also added a bag of metasorb to try and take of the tin in the water. Something has been pissing of my rock flowers and other nem, and the only thing that wasnt right in the ICP tests was the TIN levels. Hopefully the metasorb will take care of that.

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"glued them upside down"... the worst experience ever, and more trips to Home Depot than I care to admit

youre not the only one with Tin issues: R2R thread
One post about how glass is made via floating on molten tin, I wouldn't beat yourself up about it.


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Redid one of the tank lids. The previous one didn't quite fit right, and was much bulkier then it needed to be. New one is much better overall. It's much less bulky, lighter, yet still sturdy, less obstructive and I made it with a large access lid. Even the overall print quality is much better as I am getting much better at producing quality prints.
Will likely redo the Square'ish lid too as it too is a bit bulkier then it needs to be, and the access lid never quite fit right and was to small anyway.

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Downsized my QT tank, as I don't really need a 40g one currently. Needed a lid though, so of course I designed and printed one for it. Fits perfect and no gaps, so wont be losing any more small fish just before they complete their QT. The 40g QT had lids too but still a few small gaps around where the HOB filter was and I lost several smaller fish through those.

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Very nice I could use o e for my frag tank
Hit me up. I can do any size and relatively inexpensive. Supposed to do one for Juan's tank soon, if he ever gets me the final measurements


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Downsized my QT tank, as I don't really need a 40g one currently. Needed a lid though, so of course I designed and printed one for it. Fits perfect and no gaps, so wont be losing any more small fish just before they complete their QT. The 40g QT had lids too but still a few small gaps around where the HOB filter was and I lost several smaller fish through those.

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Fish find every freaking gap.

Lids look so good!!!

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Tank is moving along still. Quite a few new fish added so far this year, including some Leopard wrasses, 3 Japanese swallowtail angels, Bartlett anthias and a new midas blenny. Also have some fairy wrasses (exquisites, pink scale, and a yellow fin ) in QT that will go in next week

Lost a few corals recently though, I believe due to rising phos in the tank. I think thats mostly because my mangrove has been growing so much, and I have been needing to raise the light every so often, that slowed down the growth on the other macros as a result.
So I added a gfo reactor, and also added some more light for the macros. I used my old retro fit kit that was on my 75 and made a simple frame that let me put 2 light on each side of the mangroves.

Next changes planned for the tank is to make panel system that will act as a canopy and hide all the lights and wires. Been wanting to do this for a while but just hadnt gotten around to it yet, They will be simple white plywood panels that will rest along top edge of the tank, and will have some magnets across the top. Ill install so light weight l-bar around the ceiling for the magnets to stick to.

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Plumbed in 2 more sea swirls this weekend. I had been wanting to add these in for the 2 closed loop outlets that come over the top on the back wall of the tank. The return line in the middle has had a sea swirl on it since the beginning but had needed to do the 2 CL outlets still.
Big thanks to @halmus for the sea swirls, as these are the 2 he had on his tank.
These have already made a noticeable difference in ensure that I get an omni directional flow throughout the tank. So now its 3 sea swirls and 1 ocean motion that keep my water flowing in all directions.

Corals and everything looking pretty good now days. I think though I might have someone in the tank who has been pulling heads off some of my euphillya. Not sure who it is yet but randomly seem to be losing a head or 2 once a week. Suspect the trigger but have not caught any red handed yet, so I will just have to keep any eye for it.

Next tank project is going to be adding some covers for the top to hide all the lights and electrical on top.

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