CB’s Elos 120 build


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member

The tank got moved to this area. I was thinking about making it a built in the future.
I'm worried about the proximity to the water heater and furnace in case any future work needs to be performed on any of those.

The rear view. Laundry machines are about 7ft away and I was wondering about expanding the sump to a 100g Rubbermaid. I'm worried about running out of space in the laundry area though, so may just leave the sump how it is.

Any thoughts?

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Any possibility of building a fish room in the basement? Frame in some walls and give yourself some dedicated space to work with? This might be more than you had in mind...


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Any possibility of building a fish room in the basement? Frame in some walls and give yourself some dedicated space to work with? This might be more than you had in mind...
Exactly! Seems simple from what I can tell. I may move the tank out a little more to give myself some space. Maybe an exhaust fan controlled by a humidistat to prevent rust?

Do I need a permit to build some non structural basement walls?

I need to plan this out a little more before I go the tank again, moving it kinda sucked.

Also, got some venturi valves coming in so I can dose inside the mini fridge. If I have to dose refrigerated fluids, why not bring the water to the doser instead of dealing with bringing the doser to the tank?

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
You could reach out to the building/inspection dept in your local area to see about permit requirements. I found them to be pretty helpful when we were finishing our basement.
If you are able to locate fish room where you have an existing drain, that would be ideal.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Personally I’d set that beautiful tank up in the living room or office. Maybe plumb a sump to the basement if you want a fish room situation. With no permit you’re going to need to remove walls before you sell the place if that happens.

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm always reluctant to advise others on what they can/should do in their home, but IMHO, if you were going to start building walls in the basement, I would consider getting permits and inspections. As others have pointed out, you could run into issues down the road with work that is not permitted and/or up to code. I think the primary consideration with permits and inspections is making sure everything is safe for you and your family, which is important.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
So got the city information books. I can do a lot of things before I need to pull a permit. Basically it comes down to resale value. Also, my chosen location is terrible in terms of fish rooms. I need to find another place that will work, there’s a giant pool table in my tiny basement though

Anyone need a pool table?

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