Ok so no stunners - anything else?
The round robin will start when I post the first frag. Probably on Monday so we can iron out all the kinks over the weekend.
Also, how about being able to have your one frag that goes back into DBTC outside of the circle can be one with your original so the DBTC program sees benefit right away?
Adam, I dont see any problems with doing multiple chalices, just means more in the pot, everyone agree?
One last thing guys. This is a big might, still need to think it over - BUT - I might throw my Jason Fox Crazy Fox into the pot to give incentive for people to participate. I want to work it like this. Every person who enters in the round robin gets 1 entry in the drawing towards the crazy fox. If the chalice you enter into the round robin retails for more than $100 a eye you get 3 entries towards the crazy fox. After 1 rotation is complete (around 6 months out) we will have a drawing and the winner gets the chalice. In six months however they must do the same with a eye of their chalice. If this goes well and I get my My Miami I might consider throwing that into the mix. Still mulling all this over so its not set in stone yet. Just a idea I had.
Any other thoughts?