Rowa is just another kind of GFO, made in the same factory as all of the others. All GFO will unbind and bind to "equilibrium" with the outside water, so if you lower the water level it will unbind... if you raise the water level, it will bind more. I did not know that they claimed this, but it is untrue if they did.
There are only two places on earth that make GFO... both make the higher binding stuff and the lower. ROWA is the same as ANY other high capacity GFO, so don't pay more for it. The regular stuff is all the same too.
Nobody will ever fully saturate GFO. It will only bind to "equilibrium" and then bind no more. If you have 10.0 ppm P, then it will bind a lot more than if you have .1, but in either case, once it is bound to equilibrium, it will bind no more. I think that you need something like 1000 ppm of P in a solution for GFO to bind completely - this level would be death for most living things.
Aragonite has the same relationship. Everybody with aragonite in their tanks has a bunch bound in the rock and sand. Dry rock usually comes packed with the stuff. As you lower the water level with GFO or water changes, the aragonite will release some back to nearly where you were before. It can take much GFO and many changes to actually lower the amount in the tank. This is why I am worried for every person that has stoped skimming, running a fuge or changing water with this new paradigm thinking that P is a coral "food" and that more is better (it is not... neither food nor better to have more)... they will be fighting to remove it one day and probably need several 5 gallon buckets of GFO to catch back up over many months.
Dr. Holmes-Farley had a nice long post on this once. Part is his day job is understanding phoshate metabolism for some drug, so he is very helpful. He is kinda on sabbatical, but all of stuff is still out there.