My reduce, reuse, and recycle build


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
I needed a challenge.

So I bought an Aquamedic Wave 9 gallon nano as a 'project' tank. It had a few scratches, some after-market silicone, and not the greatest light fixture. It was modified with a maxijet 400 return pump. Not a beauty queen of a tank, it had been around the block a few times, and had been passed from owner to owner. It might have soon wound up sitting forlornly in a dumpster somewhere in Denver. I wanted to see if maybe I could refurbish it into a gem of a nano that wouldn't suffer that sad fate for many years. I envisioned 'reducing, reusing, and recycling' as much as possible for this project. Reduce = set up a smaller tank than I had ever had before. Reuse = digging equipment out of storage to refurbish and upgrade the tank, and avoid buying things for it. Recycle= minimizing tank cycle time as much as possible, as well as growing out corals quickly so that I can frag them and either sell them or DBTC them so that fewer corals are harvested from the wild.
Then, on the way home, some clueless Petco employees who didn't know a black saddleback clown from a snowflake clown sent us home with an $80 fish for $13, and it inspired us. We decided to see how inexpensively I could both refurbish this nano and set up a mixed reef. I'm not going to track the expenditures as if I went out and bought everything new or new-to-me. Like anyone that's been in the hobby for a while, I have a lot of random reef gear sitting around. I wanted to see how little I could spend out of pocket to accomplish this "reduce, reuse & recycle" mission.
We immediately upgraded the return pump to a maxijet 900, added a nozzle thingie to the return tube, and cleaned it up. I had a small heater in storage that was the perfect size for it. Then we looked 'under the hood' at the lights. One very tough decision with any tank build is lighting. There are a lot of options out there. We opted to upgrade the existing CFLs to LEDs, and decided to do a DIY build to reduce expenses. Yes, Michael is helping me. A lot! We gathered the following LED equipment: 19 3w led bulbs (10 royal blues, 7 whites, and 2 reds), a heatsink, 2 nondimmable drivers from RapidLed, and a couple of small fans. Some of this was sitting in a box in my storage unit, some was ordered onine.
Next up is getting the tank cycling, while we wait on some of the lighting parts to show up. I still have the old sand from tearing down my 125 (in a large pile in my side yard), and have decided to re-use that after a LOT of rinsing. I will also raid the sump on our main system for a couple of pieces of live rock for the display as well as rubble and macroalgae. I plan to put chaeto in the fuge compartment with the rubble, and put some halimeda in the display. "Steal" the clownfish is currently in QT, until I can get the nano up and running. I need to find her a mate and a nem, get some tank janitors, and decide what corals I'm going to put in it from our tanks.

Tank: $35
Lighting: $56
"Steal" the snowflake clownfish: $13



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Preparing for some headaches? I see you have the Aleve readu to go! LOL


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
BTW, Steal is an awesome name for that fish!


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My reduce, reuse, and recycle build

Lol! Yeah, aleve at the ready. And Michael named the fish. Hehehe.

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According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member

It's running! Got the sand and water in it today, some cheato in the back, and a barnacle condo in place. I'll put more rock in it tomorrow, and some halimeda, and get a CUC later this week. The LED gear arrived today, too, so maybe I can talk Michael into helping me with the LED build in the next few days.
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Butterfly Fish
Beautiful Cindy!


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
2sweet;249494 said:
Beautiful Cindy!
Thanks Denise! I may be pestering you with questions about nanos. LOL. Right now I'm just anxiously waiting for the water to clear up. Here in a bit, I'm gonna get some bacteria to dose it with, get some rubble from the main system to put in the back compartment, and make a final decision on which fish to put in it. Steal (the snowflake clown) needs a buddy, so I gotta find another affordable snowflake, and I want a harlequin shrimp (if I can figure out how to keep him fed). Beyond that? I dunno.

matt.radich;249495 said:
Subscribed, interested to see how this little guy turns out
Thanks, Matt! If it weren't for the stellar deal you gave me, I wouldn't be doing this at all.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
ok - my next step is choosing fish! I'm researching this, and realizing that there are not many choices for a tank this size. SO, here's my tentative stock list: pair of snowflake clowns & nem, either a rainford's goby or a tailspot blenny (for algae control), and then either a Randalls or twinspot goby. I love the twinspot gobies (they're adorable & they're sandsifters), but they're harder to keep. I'm also considering a firefish for movement, since the tank is completely covered.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
My reduce, reuse, and recycle build

I have a tail spot blenny (little man). That fish cracks me up, looks like a little old man, great personality, fun fish. I have fire fish, and chromis in the same tank with a clown & nem. The fire fish hide in the rocks most of the day, pretty skittish.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My reduce, reuse, and recycle build

Barnacle blennies!

Been tempted to add a pair to my 20 for a while...that condo would be perfect for them. ;)


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
My reduce, reuse, and recycle build

jahmic;249514 said:
Barnacle blennies!

The tailspot might also condo up though, they back into some weird spots in the rock work.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
FishTV;249513 said:
I have a tail spot blenny (little man). That fish cracks me up, looks like a little old man, great personality, fun fish. I have fire fish, and chromis in the same tank with a clown & nem. The fire fish hide in the rocks most of the day, pretty skittish.
Yeah, with the tiny fish like the tail spots, I wanna see a lot of personality. I really wanted to put a starry blenny in it, but the tank is too small. I've got a love hate relationship with firefish. I love them, because the ones I've had were always out and about and they're colorful. But, I had all but decided to never get one again, because they just don't survive in my tank for some reason.

jahmic;249514 said:
Barnacle blennies!

Been tempted to add a pair to my 20 for a while...that condo would be perfect for them. ;)
I hadn't put them on my list because it seems too obvious. LOL. Will they swim around the tank much, or am I paying a lot of money to just see their noses?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My reduce, reuse, and recycle build're paying a lot to see their noses, lol. With my luck they'd face the back of my tank too. :p

Pretty entertaining when they zip around the tank at feeding...but that's all you'll ever see as far as them swimming in the open. :/

Still of the most interesting blennies I've seen, but I kinda have a thing for fish that ignore me and stick to their natural behavior in our tanks.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think I just added them to my list. I'll prolly just get 1 tho. I'm trying to keep my total out of pocket cost on this tank under $200, including fish. So far, I'm at $103 with the tank, the LED parts, and Steal the clown. I still need to get a 2nd snowflake clown, an anemone, a magnet cleaner, and the rest of the fish. Right now, my impatience is battling with the need to both find extreme bargains and let the cycle finish before I stock the tank. I'm gonna get some bacteria for it to speed up the process.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
My reduce, reuse, and recycle build

If you get a scooter blenny on food other than pods, they are pretty active.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, I like the scooters because they're cute and active, but it just kills me to see them in the store because they're always so incredibly skinny that they look like they're about to die any minute. I try to stay away from them because I don't want to help create demand for a fish that has a low survival rate once it's pulled from the ocean. If I find one for sale that's been in someone's tank for a while, however, I may get it. They're really cute.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My reduce, reuse, and recycle build

H2O_intolerant;249689 said:
Cindy, are you using the stock fug light? If so, be aware that that thing melted the hood of my nano wave 9.

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No, it's been replaced, and I need to replace again.

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk 2


Butterfly Fish
Cindy, my tailspot blenny and my clownfish are best friends and swim together. My tailspot is always swimming and sticking his nose in photos whenever I'm trying to take shots of the coral.