Irishman;369123 said:
That's pretty neat! Does any website state what each coral/species should be at?
If there is I dont think I would put much into it. I am no expert here but I do know that par meters will read very differently for LED than they do for T5, VHO, or MH and no two will read exactly the same.
IMO a par meter is great for taking a baseline reading if you are moving a coral from one location to another or from one tank to another. Ultimately most corals can be acclimated to a fairly large spectrum of PAR intensities. I only use par if I am buying a coral from someone with similar lighting to mine and want a base reading for where in my tank I should start acclimating from.
I would never trust any website to say x coral should be placed under y par value. Its very subjective and all hobby grade par meters are subject to margins of error of +/- 20% so this means that no too par meters are going to take the same reading.