The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
Here you go, Cris! :)

So, more new house photos ( if you are interested, but let's talk about the fun stuff.

The tank builder came by this afternoon and almost finished off the bottom tank braces. One of them was a little too long so he has to go back and grind it down a bit. He said that he's planning to finish off the tank (top braces) by early next week, at which point he'd like a month for the silicone to cure before water hits the tank.

The fish room is also starting to fill up with stuff.

A big ol' union:

The UV sterilizer:


Pretty much time to clean this one up. :)



M.A.S.C Club Member
Overflows for the basement tanks:

Return pumps. Should be ~3,600gph flow through the sump:

Here's the mechanism for the salt-moving dumbwaiter:

Finally, I've hardly ever seen a more beautiful sight. A working toilet:



M.A.S.C Club Member
BTW, the reason that there are seven overflows and eight tanks is that the dirty 120 on the left is the water change tank and doesn't need an overflow.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I got some bad news on the aquarium today: When he was setting up the stand he didn't get the tank parallel with the plane of the wall. On the east side of the long leg, it sticks out by half an inch or so. On the west side, it's inside the plane by half an inch or so. So, now that they are trying to frame up the wall this has been discovered and become a problem. Tomorrow starts (hopefully) the scary process of setting up a whole bunch of clamps and getting a bunch of guys to slowly, carefully start trying to slide the stand back into place without overstressing the glass. Sigh. It'll never end.

More new photos:

Protection for the aquarium while they're framing:



M.A.S.C Club Member
Well as it turns out, it wasn't so scary for me at all. I came by today and they were just starting to set up the pipe clamps. By the time I came back by to check on them, the tank was moved and they were already on to starting the frame.

All lined up:

Starting to frame:

In other news, we have lights upstairs! AND, we have hot water! Though I don't think they managed to get the heat running today, I think they're trying to do that soon since we have freezing weather coming in this weekend.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
That looks great Andy! It will all get fun from here. I am looking forward to seeing your aquascaping especially with the wide end of the "L". I was wondering why the silicone needs to cure for a month. I have heard of two weeks but maybe my info was off some. I know they won't ship anything before at least 1 week of cure time.

Have you decided on putting any controller on the system and if so, which brand are you going to use? If I know you, your downstairs will be as busy as the upstairs. I'm sure you have looked at it before but this site has some really cool aquaculture items. I just bought a small artemia (2.5L) that is really cool. I am hoping to get my Bangaii production back running after 4 years.

Thanks for keeping us updated!



M.A.S.C Club Member
I was wondering why the silicone needs to cure for a month. I have heard of two weeks but maybe my info was off some.
Paranoia? :) From his explanation, silicone cures fastest on the outside as it has the most contact with the air. The center of the seam takes the longest to cure because it has no contact with the outside air and it just takes a while.

I don't want to fill it up and find a leak and then have him tell me it was my fault for filling it too early. I'm going to have this sucker for a good long time. Waiting another two weeks now isn't going to kill me (much).

Oh, yeah, I know about Aquatic Ecosystems. Horribly expensive on their big setups, but those all-in-one breeding systems are really cool although I can't seem to find them one their website any longer. Probably because they're so expensive. I actually just got in some sponge filters from them about a month ago because I couldn't find any big ones around town.

I also have a conveyer-belt constant feeder (you set it up once a day) for dry food from them that I'm interested to get going. It's really big, though, so it's taken until this set up for me to get the space to get it in there.

I'm going to go with the Aquacontroller 3. What really swayed me was that it was the only controller on the market that didn't require me to use a PC to make it work at some point in the process. I'm a Mac guy and the ability to use the web interface from my desk to monitor and turn things on and off made up my mind. In fact, I can mess with the programming through the web interface, too, and that's how all of them should be, IMO. The only thing I can't do with a Mac is update the firmware, but there's supposed to be a way for me to get around that, too.

Good luck with those cardinals. Hopefully with all that's going on, captive-breds will start fetching prices that'll make them worth raising financially, despite the small broods. Of course, I think they're always worth raising, just 'cause they're so darn cute. But it'd be nice to at least break even on the deal.


M.A.S.C Club Member
So, we have heat though I'm not quite sure that it's working completely right. But it should keep the house from freezing.

So, new photos:

I think the highlights are in the fishroom:

It's starting to get messy:

The big UV on a cut-out loop (that bulb is going to be a pain to change):

The plumbing hasn't been glued yet, but things are looking much closer now.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You can always come over to play. :)

I wonder why I never get update notices for this thread?

Wow! The pace _really_ picked up today. We should be able to start moving stuff to the upstairs next Monday and the supervisor is shooting for a month before he starts sanding and finishing the floors downstairs.


(Yes, I really did register that domain. I was updating my business domain the other day and figured, "Why not?")

Return lines from the basement:

Man I am so Jealous i want a setup like that


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I'm available to help design one for you.... :) Actually, I think I'd like to spend a few years away from construction sites once this is done. This is cool and fun and all, but I'm ready for it to be done.


wow that is intense. i just joined the forum and want to say hi and holy crap that will be cool. what do you do for your job? your house addition and new tanks have to got to cost you a small fortune!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey thanks! I've owned a typesetting business for the last fifteen years that I and a business partner started while I was in grad school. Yes, we are spending a lot of money on the remodel. My wife and I both work at home, though, and we feel like it's worth the investment given that our house is both home and office for both of us. 24/7 in one building is a lot of incentive to make it a nice building.

The wonderful thing about the building company that we are using is that, despite the fact that they didn't come in with the cheapest bid, they have found ways along the way to save us enough money to pretty much pay for the tank build. Can't argue with that. Plus, their work is absolutely top-notch.