The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
More new house photos:

Note the water actually coming out of the shower head!

Aquarium news: Apparently, the building has "almost completed" welding the stand. (Sigh.) As far as things that might actually come to pass sometime soon, the painter is going to seal the fishroom concrete floor tomorrow so it can cure over the weekend!


M.A.S.C Club Member
:) As long as it's just water. They haven't stained the floors yet and I'm worried what the Tung oil fumes will do to anything alive. Anyone know? In the meantime, the painter really did seal the floor in the fishroom on Friday, so I'm good to spill some water. I'm particularly good at spilling water.

I think people might actually be starting to build the stands for the fishroom tanks and equipment today.... I'll keep you informed. (Queue Mission Impossible theme music.)


BTW, it won't be much of a secret. The hinges will all be out in plain view. But, still cool for an 8-year-old. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
More house photos:

But, more importantly, the fishroom build has begun!!! So, I finally feel like I can post some photos here:

The sealed basement floor:

The first of the stands. On the left will be two stacked 90 gal. aquariums. On the right will be the 180 gal. sump.

In other news, the builder is working on the stand crossbracing and should be able to plop the stand in soon. And he's gotten the glass pieces back from the glass cutter and everything made it through the tempering process without losing it's straightness, so he should be ready to start moving that in soon, too. :)

I cannot express just how happy I am that this is finally starting. Thanks for bearing with me for so long.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Fishroom stand build, day 2. Almost done with the support tank racks.

This set of stands is built to hold 2 x 120 gals. on the left and then 4 more 90 gals. They just need to add one more 2 x 6 leg and the crossbraces.

Where the 90s overlap:

BTW, the structural engineer was over for a different reason last week and we showed him the stand design. He thought this was perfectly adequate for long-term use.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, it's the Behr latex two-part garage floor sealant. I hope it'll hold up as well as the epoxy, but the latex fumes were so much easier to deal with. Fortunately (well, for me), they did have to dig up the basement in order to add some structural support for the house, so I had them lower the floor by six inches and had them add a floor drain while they were at it.

That's a lot of tanks, you could have your own fish store down there, lol
Shhh. Don't tell anyone.

I'm kidding. I just want lots of extra volume in case I might happen to overstock the display just a little bit. ;)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hah, yeah right. Before you know it, all that "extra volume" will be stuffed to the brim with stuff
I don't know what you mean. :) I'm pretty good at letting refugiums be refugiums, but it will be nice to have room to move animals that need to be moved and to keep troublesome animals that I want to try to breed (dottybacks?). Maybe a huge colony of peppermint shrimp in one? Drop any rock in and have it cleaned of aiptasia and a daily dose of shrimp larvae for the tank to eat? Maybe.... :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
I finally saw some Orchids in person a few months ago--I don't know what's up with that--and I was quite taken with them. I would love to see a rearing tank full of 'em. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Holey moley that's big
No kidding, I got up and laid on the stand. That was not pleasant at all. The bars are just too far apart for support. :)

Yep, that's a tub cutout. And it's a big tub, too. That's gonna be a big tank. It looks like the tub deck is going to be a pretty good height for tank maintenance.

The glass delivery is supposed to be tomorrow!


M.A.S.C Club Member
The tank builder spent some time leveling the stand today. I don't think he's done yet, as I think the floor there is "challenging."

And, glass delivery today!!!

Unfortunately, one of the small panels came with a horrible scratch. So, that one got sent back and, as long as they're making another trip, we also sent another one back that had a very minor scratch. So, the replacements should come in Monday or Tuesday.

So, the tank should still be built by the middle of next week!