The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
You don't like those? Those cost extra....


Those are pieces of cork to keep the glass pieces from touching each other. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Oooo. The countertops showed up today and the job supervisor rejected them all. :eek: Turns out that they made them all with the wrong profile. Fortunately, they also made all of them an inch too deep as well, so they can just cut off the old profile and cut the right one in. :rolleyes:

The aquarium guy was over this afternoon leveling the stand. Look like that's ready for next week.

The other aquarium guy called to say that all of the basement aquariums are here. He wants to deliver them next week!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
WOW, that stand is pretty stout. Are two of those panes starfire? I'll bet you're getting excited now, Andy hehe.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks, joeyg!

WOW, that stand is pretty stout.
Oh, yeah. It does have to hold ~5,000 lbs. for years on end, but I bet I could support the whole house on that sucker. ;)

Are two of those panes starfire?
I think all of those viewing panes are starfire. :) The truth is, material costs are comparatively fairly cheap compared to everything else. By having it made on-site, I was able to save enough on the transportation and packaging costs alone to make the tank six inches taller and make the material low-iron.

I talked to Mike yesterday and the downstairs tanks are off getting drilled. Stacey wants to put some sealer on the stands (and walls) down there, so as soon as that's done Mike's planning to move all that glass in. Woohoo!

I spent all day digging up and re-potting plants from the yard and cleaning up. Tomorrow they are planning to drive in a big digger to get things ready for a fence, solve some persistent drainage issues, and get ready for the landscaper guy. Unfortunately, I also found out that my truck's sprung a great big gas leak so I need to take care of that, too. Oh, and work. I have to do work. ;)


M.A.S.C Club Member
jasonh;8455 said:
Ah, work...always gets in the way of fun :)

Thanks for the tour the other day Andy. I can tell this (not only the tank, but the whole house too) is just going to be amazing once completed.

Will there be any equipment in the stand under the tank? Storage? Secret hiding/nap-time place? :)
Still ... working ... :rolleyes: Ugh. I'm waiting for dinner and a second wind. One of my editors didn't manage to get a book to me before she went on vacation and came back to find a jury summons in her mail box. So, this project got dumped on me with a very unreasonable timeframe attached. Unfortunately, she's a great editor and person so I can't just say no.

Thanks, Jason. I enjoyed meeting you and your lovely bride. Please come back once I get things running.

Under the tank--I am just planning on having the closed-loop pumps under there along with a cutout on the closed-loop line that I plan to usually leave dry with a UV sterilizer attached, for emergencies. Damn bacteria killed all of my corals last time. :(

So, lots of nap room if you can stand the pump noise. :) Maybe I can rent it out to a grad student or something?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Updates, updates. Sorry, life's been really busy. Sigh.

The fish room is coming along. From what I can tell, the marine varnish they used on the wood is just about the most evil stuff in the entire universe. The first day, it stank up the _entire_ neighborhood. I still get a sore throat when I go in the house.

There's glass on the stand! No silicone yet, though.

More photos here:

Please note that the long bottom pane is not pulled up tight against the short pane, so the holes in the glass do not line up with the holes in the plywood.

Thanks for looking!
Nice to see tanks down there. So when's the super-secret basement fish store open up? :)

That varnish must be nasty stuff, how long ago did they apply it? Not sure if it would totally eliminate it, but some activated carbon air filters running down there should help the fumes a bit I would think.

Probably doesn't help that it's in the basement so the fumes have nowhere to go...


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, it really doesn't help that they had to shave some wood off the corner stands so the last two tanks could slide in. But then, of course, they had to touch up the varnish. Whew. We do have a fan blowing out of the basement window, but still.... The funny thing is that the electrician was working in the basement this week (in a respirator) and Stacey forgot to ask him to hook up the exhaust fan. :rolleyes:

The tank builder is here today and says he'll be done by Monday!!!!!!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
What I get for talking: One of the side panes was pulled out of the polishing machine at an angle and the width changed by 1/4" over a 2.5' distance. No build this weekend. :(


M.A.S.C Club Member
I know that you all are never going to believe this, but we have glass AND silicone!!!! He hasn't braced it yet, but the outer walls are standing!!!

This is where the overflow box will go:

Here's the overflow itself:

The loooong leg:

More photos are, as always, here:


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks, Cris! Finally....

Thanks, Jason! See below. ;)

The builder came by and made the overflow today, so I'm able to show you my very first full tank shot:

The overflow. Those are 3" holes in the glass.

And at the risk of blinding you all with my beauty and to give you a sense of scale:

Sorry about all of the hair. It's been busy. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I hope "without break" are the real operative words. :) I think Jessie came by today to slap down the piece of glass that covers the seam between the bottom panes. But my kiddo had a playdate and I'm on a deadline and didn't manage a close look or any pictures.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ugh. Sorry. I got my normal September rush of work projects and wound up with a sinus infection while I was trying to get the last one to press. There's a lot of nasty chemical smells around the house right now, so I've been trying to spare the sinuses.

We're in the lull of waiting for the silicone to cure, so there haven't been any changes other than some of the equipment coming in (including a monster UV sterilizer for emergencies :) ). Mike also moved some PVC in yesterday. He's planning on starting to lay it out and glue it up soon. THEN we'll be in business!

But, I could show you some pictures of some lovely trim work and painted walls if you like. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
We had a big meeting on skinning the aquarium today. I should be getting a PDF of the plans later so I'll try to get those posted up.