The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
"I'll go a meter outside the anemone." "Oh yeah? I'll go a meter-and-a-half outside the anemone." "Watch this.... I'll go two meters outside the anemone."


Talk about drive-by. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
It's getting there. The masons are nearing the top. I found out today that the reason it's taking so long is that it's been so hot: the bricks suck the moisture right out of the mortar too quickly and it gets brittle. So, they are going slowly and trying to follow the shade. The floor guy is in and finished my daughter's room already! Actually, he's also already finished the master bedroom, closet, and part of the second floor landing. I think he's planning to be done by Friday. The first of the under-boards for the coffered went up today. And, the tile guy looks like he's just about finished with the support on the downstairs shower.


M.A.S.C Club Member
More photos from last night and tonight! Sorry they are so dark--the floor guy didn't leave 'til 8:30pm.

My aquarium install guy is planning to be at the meeting Tuesday. I talked to him today. It sounds like he wants to go ahead and start creating the display tank support system even though we have no display tank yet. Woohoo!


M.A.S.C Club Member
I realized that most of my photo shoots are at roughly the same time of day--late, after the crew leaves--so I decided to give you all some morning photographs so you could see the difference in the light. Even a few photos of upstairs, despite the fact that it was already a gazillion degrees up there at 10:00 this morning. Sigh.

I thought I'd post another look at the space where the tank will be. I hope that space will be changing rapidly pretty darn soon....



M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay, today's the very last day on the outdoor bricklaying. Woohoo! And some color sneaks in:

So, on to the important stuff: fishroom plans. These are mostly to do with the display tank support system. Overview of the fishroom:

Plan for the north wall:

Plan for the east wall:

A rough schematic:

The idea is to have a lot of tanks that all serve different functions, while collectively adding to the system volume.
Ah why is this hobby soooo addicting? We must visit at some point that setup would be so amazing. At least all those tanks are in one room. We were dumb enough to puts tanks all over the house lol. Now thinking we need to add more plumbing to the house. Thanks for the inspiring thread.



M.A.S.C Club Member
And that's just the fish room. ;) What do you mean? I'm completely in control of my hobby....

Sure, come on over. Well, it's still a hardhat area at the moment. :)

We started the mural in my daughter's room last night. This was from last night:

Ha ha that's cute! Our kids don't really tell us in English what they want. They speak in meows, whoofs, squawks, and splashs... still trying to figure them out lol. Hmmm are you trying to tell me 1400 plus gallons isn't amazing amounts of work! LOL you are brave and devout hobbiest ;) .... there are many who are more extreme I know... I still think group therapy might help for us... hehe. At least we might possibly quit buying a new tank every 2 weeks. At least all the 5 gallon buckets of salt water are starting to get me back in shape. We'll PM you next time we're heading down to Boulder.

Rich and Bridget


M.A.S.C Club Member
My kiddo took one look at the dragon and said, "Where are the fangs?" Sigh. Rework the whole mouth area....

Hopefully it won't be too much work, though it's all still just in my head right now. We should have most of the system built within the month, though. I'm trying to think ahead and do things to keep the maintenance to a minimum. I had a dumbwaiter installed to help with getting salt to the fishroom. I have very large water storage containers, a sink in the fishroom, and a drain in the floor. The tub surround is a permanent step for me to do maintenance inside the display tank. I have a breeding population of cerith snails that will expand their population to take care of a lot of the algae-on-the=glass needs.

But, we'll see.... ;)


M.A.S.C Club Member
The tile guy had a freak out today about tile pattern and height of aquarium and we all got into a pretty good state, figured it all out, and then later that afternoon we all figured out that it was a mistake on the plans. Full speed ahead....

All the steel for the stand is cut but not assembled yet.

I'll be out-of-touch tomorrow and possibly Thursday (a minor surgery). I'll see you when I'm back!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Surgery's done. Cancer's gone. And I have fifty stitches in my nose. The eye has started swelling shut and should be unopenable by morning. But it's done.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ah you know, I'm getting pretty well pampered around here, thanks! It makes for a pretty good excuse to stay out of the heat. And one eye's still working:

I'm already starting to feel better. The anaesthetics were starting to wear off by the end of the facial reconstruction--I could feel the last few stitches--but it wasn't horrible except that the nurse forgot to call in my prescription. Two hours later, well after the local had worn off, I was finally able to start the pain meds. So much for staying ahead of the pain. But, like I said, much better today.

As far as the house goes, the tile guy's started on the aquarium bathroom and the brick guys have been working on the arches in the kitchen. I haven't seen the cabinet guy yet, but he's supposed to get going this week. They're going to start connecting the electricity next week.


M.A.S.C Club Member
My lovely bride took some house photos today (since my nose is the size of a yam) and told me that I could post them for everyone's enjoyment. Today, you will find more photos of the mural (including gorgeous trim work), brickwork in the kitchen, and lovely tile in the aquarium bathroom.

I should be resting but I need something to take my mind off the fact that the swelling is now pressing in on my cheekbone and is pretty painful.

Cheers, all!
Glad everything went well with surgery and the builds looking great bro. facial pains are some of the worst hope they gave you some really good pills.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks. Tylenol with codeine is my pain med of choice and the doc was pretty generous. I actually haven't taken any pain meds for a couple of days now, though. And I'm now up to the "itches infernally" stage, which is almost worse.

I just took my first photos since the surgery. Only one came even close 'cause the little guys certainly try to hide from me now, but it's still very exciting for me.
