Neptune Apex
(All coding explained after)
Email alarm (sends email and text message)
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then ON (obviously there is a leak, not a good email to get!)
If Outlet PH-Low = ON Then ON (caused by overdose of vinegar which lowers ph)
If Outlet PH-High = ON Then ON (caused by overdose of buffer which raises ph)
If Outlet Skimmerfloat = ON Then ON (skimmer is overflowing, I have a float switch in the cup)
If Outlet BufferLOW = ON Then ON (float switch in my buffer reservoir, its either leaking or I forgot to fill it)
If Outlet CalciumLOW = ON Then ON (float switch in my calcium reservoir)
If Outlet RefugiumFlow = OFF Then ON (this one reminds me to turn back on the flow to the fuge 1 hour after feeding)
If Outlet TempLow = ON Then ON (this is a outlet with a defer statement since my ATO tops off in the sump and is cold)
If Temp > 82.0 Then ON
If Power Apex Off 001 Then ON (If I lose power)
If FeedD 030 Then OFF (this is my maintenance setting, I have stuff disconnected to clean and such and dont want to get false alarms so this turns off the whole outlet while doing my maintenance)
Fallback OFF
If Sun 420/100 Then ON (I believe this is about 7 hours, I am a late owl so the lights come on late and turn off late)
If Temp > 82.0 Then OFF (if the fans arent cooling the tank enough then the halides will shut off above 82 degrees)
Min Time 030:00 Then OFF
--All my dosing happens in my sump except for B&C. Buffer is dosed into my overflow box, which goes directly into the sump but I want it mixed in before it hits pumps. Calcium is dosed directly into the display. i have the vinegar dosed near my sump pumps to help break up an precipitation.
Main Pump
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (obviously don't want to keep draining the tank or running the pump dry)
If Outlet PH-Low = ON Then OFF (If Vinegar overdoses it stays in the sump and I can address the problem before it reaches the display)
If Outlet PH-High = ON Then OFF (If Buffer overdoses " ")
If FeedA 004 Then OFF (My daily feed mode, keeps it all in the display)
If FeedD 005 Then OFF (Maintenance Mode)
If Temp > 82.0 Then OFF (Heater Malfunction!)
--My ATO can run all day turned on. 1 Problem with that. If I have a leak somewhere then I could easily turn a saltwater tank into freshwater! To combat this issue I only have it run every 2 hours for 2 minutes at a time. I have my sump float set pretty close to my evaporation rate so if there is a leak or no water in the ATO reservoir, or whatever, that my sump float switch will trip within 2 hours.
Fallback OFF Set OFF
If Time 00:11 to 00:13 Then ON
If Time 02:11 to 02:13 Then ON
If Time 04:11 to 04:13 Then ON
If Time 06:11 to 06:13 Then ON
If Time 08:11 to 08:13 Then ON
If Time 10:11 to 10:13 Then ON
If Time 12:11 to 12:13 Then ON
If Time 14:11 to 14:13 Then ON
If Time 16:11 to 16:13 Then ON
If Time 18:11 to 18:13 Then ON
If Time 20:11 to 20:13 Then ON
If Time 22:11 to 22:13 Then ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 010 Then OFF
--I have 4 fans in my canopy - 120mm Scythe 1900rpm Slip Stream bad ax mama jamas for you computer nerds out there. I also have a virtual outlet attached to the fans which control them differently when the Halides are on. The fans serve a dual purpose, to cool the tank and to cool the lights. Problem is, these fans can cool the sun so I have to be careful not to drop the temp lower than I want while still trying to cool the lights. So while the Halides are on the fans turn on for 10 minutes then off for 10 minutes, then on, you get the picture. When the Halides are off the virtual outlet shuts off and the canopy fans will turn on if the temp gets above 80.5 and turn off below 79.5.
Canopy Fans
Fallback OFF
If Outlet HalideFans = ON Then ON
If Outlet HalideFans = OFF Then OFF
If Temp > 80.5 Then ON
If Temp < 79.5 Then OFF
-Virtual outlet
OSC 010:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet HalideRight = OFF Then OFF
Skimmer Pump
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (dont want the pump to run dry)
If Outlet MainPump = OFF Then OFF (sump will fill up which will cause the skimmer to overflow)
If Outlet Skimmerfloat = ON Then OFF (skimmer cup is overflowed)
If Outlet RefugiumFlow = OFF Then OFF (this is the virtual outlet that turns off the skimmer for 2 hours 1 hour after feeding)
Defer 001:00 Then ON
If FeedD 010 Then OFF
If FeedA 001 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
--The heater is on its own controller as well as the Neptune. The heater is set at 80degrees. The heater doesn't kick on until its below 79 degrees and shuts off above 80
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Temp > 81.5 Then OFF
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (dont want the heater to melt!)
If FeedD 010 Then OFF
--The reason the dosing pumps have virtual outlets to shut them off is because of spikes. When a vinegar dose first hits the water it will spike down the PH for a minute or so until its diluted into the system. If I just did a "If PH