djkms' 225 SPS Dominant build thread


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
djkms' 225 SPS Dominant build thread

Awesome looking Chris! Looks like u got another moorish ehh?? Feeling luckier with fewer softies?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

Thats the hope. I have all SPS except for Euphyllia, duncans, Chalices and a Goni. My Emperor went after my acans so I removed them. Other than that no nipping at all.

I keep getting flame angels in hopes that I can get one that won't nip SPS. So far no luck, I have probably been through 10+ in the last couple years with no luck, they just end up at the fish store....


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Khalis.

So I havent actually updated this thread with any real information in a while so here it goes. Time to give a breakdown of the 225.


Fish - 26 Total
2 Azure Damselfish Chrysiptera hemicyanea
Bangaii Cardinal Pterapogon kauderni
2 Bartlett's Anthias Pseudanthias bartlettorum
2 Black Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
China Pearl Wrasse Anampses neoguinaicus
Christmas Wrasse Halichoeres claudia
Emperor Angelfish Pomacanthus imperator
Firefish, Helfrichi Nemateleotris helfrichi
Green Wrasse Halichoeres chloropterus
Hector's Goby Amblygobius hectori
5 Ignitus Anthias Pseudanthias ignitus
Jawfish, Yellowhead Opistognathus aurifrons
Misbar Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris
Moorish Idol Zanclus canescens
Potter's Angelfish Centropyge potteri
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus solorensis
Regal Angelfish Pygoplites diacanthus
2 Yasha Goby Stonogobiops yasha

Coral - 59 Total
Acropora Acropora Sp
Acropora Sp Acropora Sp
Acropora Sp Acropora Sp
Acropora Sp Acropora Sp
Acropora Sp Acropora Sp
Acropora Sp Acropora Sp
Acropora Sp Acropora Sp
Birdsnest Coral Seriatopora hystrix
Birdsnest Coral Seriatopora hystrix
Birdsnest Coral Seriatopora hystrix
Blood Red Chalice Echinophyllia aspera
Blue Hammer Euphyllia ancora
Cali Tort Acropora Tortuosa
Cauliflower Coral, Pocillopora Pocillopora damicornis
Chalice (unknown) Echinophyllia aspera
Chalice (unknown) Echinophyllia aspera
Cup Coral, Turbinaria Turbinaria sp.
Duncan Polyp Duncanopsammia axifuga
Frogspawn Coral - Branched Euphyllia paradivisa
Garf Bonsai Acropora valida
Golden Hammer Coral Euphyllia ancora
Grape Cristata Euphyllia Cristata
Green Monticap Blue Polyp Montipora capricornis
Green Slimer Acropora yongei
Hammer/Frogspawn Hybrid Euphyllia ancora
Idaho Grape Montipora Montipora capricornis
Jason Fox Crazy Fox Chalice Echinophyllia
Jedi Mind Trick Montipora sp.
Lavender Monti green polyp Montipora digitata
Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Cyphastrea sp.
Mint Acropora Acropora Sp
Montipora Setosa Montipora setosa
Northstar Prostrata Acropora prostrata
ORA Oregon Tortuosa Acropora tortuosa
ORA Stuber Staghorn Acropora sp
Orange Montipora Coral, Plating Montipora capricornis
Pavona Coral Pavona decussatus
Pink Montipora Digitata Motipora Digitata
Pink Stylophora Stylophora spp.
Pokerstar Montipora Montipora sp.
Ponape Birdsnest Seriatopora sp
Purple Haze Montipora Montipora sp.
Purple Mille Acropora millepora
Purple Montipora Digitata Montipora digitata
Purple Staghorn Acropora Acropora Sp
Rainbow Montipora Montipora Tuberculosa
Rainbow Pocillopora Pocillopora sp
Red Dragon Acropora Acropora carduus
Red Mille Acropora millepora
Red Planet Acropora Acropora Sp
Red and Green Aussie Blastos Blastomussa wellsi
Strawberry Lemonade Acropora Sp
Sunset Montipora Montipora nodosa
Tabling Acropora Acropora Cytherea
Teal Blue Tenuis Acropora tenuis
Teal Staghorn Acropora sp
Teal Staghorn Acropora Acropora Sp
Torch Coral Euphyllia glabrescens
purple pocillopora Pocillopora damicornis

Inverts - 64 Total
10 Astraea Conehead Snail Astraea tecta
10 Banded Trochus Snail
10 Trochus sp.
Blood Red Fire Shrimp Lysmata debelius
Derasa Clam Tridacna derasa
Derasa Clam Tridacna derasa
2 Emerald Crab Mithraculus sculptus
2 Fighting Conch Strombus spp.
Hard Tube Coco Worm Protula bispiralis
Harlequin Shrimp Hymenocera elegans
15 Nassarius Snail Nassarius sp.
10 Nerite Snail Nerita sp.
5 Peppermint Shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni complex
2 Pom Pom Crab Lybia tesselata
Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone Entacmaea quadricolor
Randall's Pistol Shrimp Alpheus randalli
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Lysmata amboinensis
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
8 36" Geismann T5 HO
3 Radium 250W 20,000K Metal Halide Bulb (Single Ended)
3 Sunlight Supply Lumen Max Elite Mogul Fixture

JBJ True Temp Heater Controller

Lifereef SVS2-24

EcoTech Vortech MP40w ES x2

Mag-Drive 18

Lifereef LF1-125S

Lifereef LifeReefugium 13.5

BRS Carbon

Tunze Osmolator

Apex Controller w/ wxm & breakout box

Marine Magic Dosing Pump
LiterMeter III Precision Dosing System

Hanna Digital Seawater Refractometer

BRS 5 Stage PLUS RO/DI System - 75GPD
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

--Clean the front glass and both sides every 2 days (flipper), scrape (Magfloat Scraper) all 4 sides once a week. All my rock is in the middle of the tank, I dont have any touching any of the glass.

Daily feeding:
Hikari Mysis Shrimp (1 Cube) ·
Cyclop-eeze (1/2 cube) ·
-Thawed into a cup and fed every 1 1/2 hours. This is mainly for the Anthias but all the fish get fed.

Phyto Feast Live (2ml per day) ·
-Fed into my cryptic fuge during the main feeding time. Fuge return is turned off for 1 hour after so the pods have time to strip it from the column. Then the return is started again and the skimmer is turned off for 2 hours. This lets any uneated phyto go into the main display and a chance to get eaten before it gets skimmed out.

Main feast
All food is soaked in
Garlic Xtreme (2 Drops) ·
Selcon (1ml) ·
Vitachem (1ml) ·

Nutramar Ova (1/8 cube) · Coral Smoothie (5ml) · Rods Food (1 Cube) · PE Mysis (1/2 Cube) ·

Green Nori (1/4 sheet) ·
Mainly for the Idol but the Emperor eats it as well

NLS thera A Pellets (twice daily)
Auto Feeder

Weekly Maintenance:
Shake Fuel Bottle
Refill 2 Part Containers
Scrape Glass (all sides)
Blast GFO
Clean Sponges
Clean Skimmer
Clean MP40s

Weekly Testing:
Measure Salinity
Measure Temperature
Measure pH
Measure TDS
Measure Calcium
Measure Nitrate
Measure Magnesium
Measure Alkalinity
Measure Phosphate

Every 2 weeks
Change Carbon (1 1/2 Cups)
Change 25 gal of water

Every 4 weeks
Wipe Down Canopy and Stand
Clean any Salt Creep
Clean Rocks
Clean Sump and Fuge
Siphon Top layer of sandbed
Replace GFO (2 Cups)

Every 4 months
Calibrate All Dosing Pumps
Replace RO Filters
Calibrate PH Probe

Every 9 months
Replace Bulbs

Replace PH Probe

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dosing Schedule (per day):
Automated Dosing

Aquavitro Fuel
6 ml
6 times per day
1 ml every 4 hours

Calcium Chloride
160 ml
288 times per day
0.6 ml every 0.1 hours

4.4 ml
12 times per day
0.4 ml every 2 hours

Soda Ash
160 ml
288 times per day
0.6 ml every 0.1 hours

30 ml
12 times per day
2.5 ml every 2 hours

I use a litermeter to dose my B&C which doses a little bit every 5 minutes. My marine magic dosing pump does my Vinegar, Aquavitro Fuel and sometimes Magnesium.

And my current parameters:
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

Neptune Apex
(All coding explained after)
Email alarm (sends email and text message)
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then ON (obviously there is a leak, not a good email to get!)
If Outlet PH-Low = ON Then ON (caused by overdose of vinegar which lowers ph)
If Outlet PH-High = ON Then ON (caused by overdose of buffer which raises ph)
If Outlet Skimmerfloat = ON Then ON (skimmer is overflowing, I have a float switch in the cup)
If Outlet BufferLOW = ON Then ON (float switch in my buffer reservoir, its either leaking or I forgot to fill it)
If Outlet CalciumLOW = ON Then ON (float switch in my calcium reservoir)
If Outlet RefugiumFlow = OFF Then ON (this one reminds me to turn back on the flow to the fuge 1 hour after feeding)
If Outlet TempLow = ON Then ON (this is a outlet with a defer statement since my ATO tops off in the sump and is cold)
If Temp > 82.0 Then ON
If Power Apex Off 001 Then ON (If I lose power)
If FeedD 030 Then OFF (this is my maintenance setting, I have stuff disconnected to clean and such and dont want to get false alarms so this turns off the whole outlet while doing my maintenance)

Fallback OFF
If Sun 420/100 Then ON (I believe this is about 7 hours, I am a late owl so the lights come on late and turn off late)
If Temp > 82.0 Then OFF (if the fans arent cooling the tank enough then the halides will shut off above 82 degrees)
Min Time 030:00 Then OFF

--All my dosing happens in my sump except for B&C. Buffer is dosed into my overflow box, which goes directly into the sump but I want it mixed in before it hits pumps. Calcium is dosed directly into the display. i have the vinegar dosed near my sump pumps to help break up an precipitation.
Main Pump
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (obviously don't want to keep draining the tank or running the pump dry)
If Outlet PH-Low = ON Then OFF (If Vinegar overdoses it stays in the sump and I can address the problem before it reaches the display)
If Outlet PH-High = ON Then OFF (If Buffer overdoses " ")
If FeedA 004 Then OFF (My daily feed mode, keeps it all in the display)
If FeedD 005 Then OFF (Maintenance Mode)
If Temp > 82.0 Then OFF (Heater Malfunction!)

--My ATO can run all day turned on. 1 Problem with that. If I have a leak somewhere then I could easily turn a saltwater tank into freshwater! To combat this issue I only have it run every 2 hours for 2 minutes at a time. I have my sump float set pretty close to my evaporation rate so if there is a leak or no water in the ATO reservoir, or whatever, that my sump float switch will trip within 2 hours.
Fallback OFF Set OFF
If Time 00:11 to 00:13 Then ON
If Time 02:11 to 02:13 Then ON
If Time 04:11 to 04:13 Then ON
If Time 06:11 to 06:13 Then ON
If Time 08:11 to 08:13 Then ON
If Time 10:11 to 10:13 Then ON
If Time 12:11 to 12:13 Then ON
If Time 14:11 to 14:13 Then ON
If Time 16:11 to 16:13 Then ON
If Time 18:11 to 18:13 Then ON
If Time 20:11 to 20:13 Then ON
If Time 22:11 to 22:13 Then ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 010 Then OFF

--I have 4 fans in my canopy - 120mm Scythe 1900rpm Slip Stream bad ax mama jamas for you computer nerds out there. I also have a virtual outlet attached to the fans which control them differently when the Halides are on. The fans serve a dual purpose, to cool the tank and to cool the lights. Problem is, these fans can cool the sun so I have to be careful not to drop the temp lower than I want while still trying to cool the lights. So while the Halides are on the fans turn on for 10 minutes then off for 10 minutes, then on, you get the picture. When the Halides are off the virtual outlet shuts off and the canopy fans will turn on if the temp gets above 80.5 and turn off below 79.5.
Canopy Fans
Fallback OFF
If Outlet HalideFans = ON Then ON
If Outlet HalideFans = OFF Then OFF
If Temp > 80.5 Then ON
If Temp < 79.5 Then OFF
-Virtual outlet
OSC 010:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet HalideRight = OFF Then OFF

Skimmer Pump
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (dont want the pump to run dry)
If Outlet MainPump = OFF Then OFF (sump will fill up which will cause the skimmer to overflow)
If Outlet Skimmerfloat = ON Then OFF (skimmer cup is overflowed)
If Outlet RefugiumFlow = OFF Then OFF (this is the virtual outlet that turns off the skimmer for 2 hours 1 hour after feeding)
Defer 001:00 Then ON
If FeedD 010 Then OFF
If FeedA 001 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF

--The heater is on its own controller as well as the Neptune. The heater is set at 80degrees. The heater doesn't kick on until its below 79 degrees and shuts off above 80

Fallback ON
Set ON
If Temp > 81.5 Then OFF
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (dont want the heater to melt!)
If FeedD 010 Then OFF

--The reason the dosing pumps have virtual outlets to shut them off is because of spikes. When a vinegar dose first hits the water it will spike down the PH for a minute or so until its diluted into the system. If I just did a "If PH
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

Neptune Apex
(All coding explained after)
Email alarm (sends email and text message)
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then ON (obviously there is a leak, not a good email to get!)
If Outlet PH-Low = ON Then ON (caused by overdose of vinegar which lowers ph)
If Outlet PH-High = ON Then ON (caused by overdose of buffer which raises ph)
If Outlet Skimmerfloat = ON Then ON (skimmer is overflowing, I have a float switch in the cup)
If Outlet BufferLOW = ON Then ON (float switch in my buffer reservoir, its either leaking or I forgot to fill it)
If Outlet CalciumLOW = ON Then ON (float switch in my calcium reservoir)
If Outlet RefugiumFlow = OFF Then ON (this one reminds me to turn back on the flow to the fuge 1 hour after feeding)
If Outlet TempLow = ON Then ON (this is a outlet with a defer statement since my ATO tops off in the sump and is cold)
If Temp > 82.0 Then ON
If Power Apex Off 001 Then ON (If I lose power)
If FeedD 030 Then OFF (this is my maintenance setting, I have stuff disconnected to clean and such and dont want to get false alarms so this turns off the whole outlet while doing my maintenance)

Fallback OFF
If Sun 420/100 Then ON (I believe this is about 7 hours, I am a late owl so the lights come on late and turn off late)
If Temp > 82.0 Then OFF (if the fans arent cooling the tank enough then the halides will shut off above 82 degrees)
Min Time 030:00 Then OFF

--All my dosing happens in my sump except for B&C. Buffer is dosed into my overflow box, which goes directly into the sump but I want it mixed in before it hits pumps. Calcium is dosed directly into the display. i have the vinegar dosed near my sump pumps to help break up an precipitation.
Main Pump
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (obviously don't want to keep draining the tank or running the pump dry)
If Outlet PH-Low = ON Then OFF (If Vinegar overdoses it stays in the sump and I can address the problem before it reaches the display)
If Outlet PH-High = ON Then OFF (If Buffer overdoses " ")
If FeedA 004 Then OFF (My daily feed mode, keeps it all in the display)
If FeedD 005 Then OFF (Maintenance Mode)
If Temp > 82.0 Then OFF (Heater Malfunction!)

--My ATO can run all day turned on. 1 Problem with that. If I have a leak somewhere then I could easily turn a saltwater tank into freshwater! To combat this issue I only have it run every 2 hours for 2 minutes at a time. I have my sump float set pretty close to my evaporation rate so if there is a leak or no water in the ATO reservoir, or whatever, that my sump float switch will trip within 2 hours.
Fallback OFF Set OFF
If Time 00:11 to 00:13 Then ON
If Time 02:11 to 02:13 Then ON
If Time 04:11 to 04:13 Then ON
If Time 06:11 to 06:13 Then ON
If Time 08:11 to 08:13 Then ON
If Time 10:11 to 10:13 Then ON
If Time 12:11 to 12:13 Then ON
If Time 14:11 to 14:13 Then ON
If Time 16:11 to 16:13 Then ON
If Time 18:11 to 18:13 Then ON
If Time 20:11 to 20:13 Then ON
If Time 22:11 to 22:13 Then ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 010 Then OFF

--I have 4 fans in my canopy - 120mm Scythe 1900rpm Slip Stream bad ax mama jamas for you computer nerds out there. I also have a virtual outlet attached to the fans which control them differently when the Halides are on. The fans serve a dual purpose, to cool the tank and to cool the lights. Problem is, these fans can cool the sun so I have to be careful not to drop the temp lower than I want while still trying to cool the lights. So while the Halides are on the fans turn on for 10 minutes then off for 10 minutes, then on, you get the picture. When the Halides are off the virtual outlet shuts off and the canopy fans will turn on if the temp gets above 80.5 and turn off below 79.5.
Canopy Fans
Fallback OFF
If Outlet HalideFans = ON Then ON
If Outlet HalideFans = OFF Then OFF
If Temp > 80.5 Then ON
If Temp < 79.5 Then OFF
-Virtual outlet
OSC 010:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet HalideRight = OFF Then OFF

Skimmer Pump
Fallback ON
Set ON
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (dont want the pump to run dry)
If Outlet MainPump = OFF Then OFF (sump will fill up which will cause the skimmer to overflow)
If Outlet Skimmerfloat = ON Then OFF (skimmer cup is overflowed)
If Outlet RefugiumFlow = OFF Then OFF (this is the virtual outlet that turns off the skimmer for 2 hours 1 hour after feeding)
Defer 001:00 Then ON
If FeedD 010 Then OFF
If FeedA 001 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF

--The heater is on its own controller as well as the Neptune. The heater is set at 80degrees. The heater doesn't kick on until its below 79 degrees and shuts off above 80

Fallback ON
Set ON
If Temp > 81.5 Then OFF
If Outlet SumpFloat = ON Then OFF (dont want the heater to melt!)
If FeedD 010 Then OFF

--The reason the dosing pumps have virtual outlets to shut them off is because of spikes. When a vinegar dose first hits the water it will spike down the PH for a minute or so until its diluted into the system. If I just did a "If PH
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CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: djkms' 225 SPS Dominant build thread

Holy moly Kris I just read your stock list that's off the charts man, WOW!!!! Thats awesome man!!!


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: djkms' 225 SPS Dominant build thread

Jeebus I'm still midway through the third chapter. Someday, you'll have to do us a favor and hold an Apex programming workshop. You seem to have quite a grasp.


Butterfly Fish
If you want to simplify your ATO program:

Fallback ON
OSC 000:00/000:20/119:40 Then ON

So it runs 20 secs every 2 hours, that's all. If I need to increase or decrease, its only one changes, with the way yours is setup, that's a fair amount to change. Just the way I did it, not saying yours is wrong.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
H2O_intolerant;235737 said:
Jeebus I'm still midway through the third chapter. Someday, you'll have to do us a favor and hold an Apex programming workshop. You seem to have quite a grasp.
Thanks Jamie. I wouldn't consider myself a pro with the Apex but I wouldn't consider myself a rookie either. If there is something I want it to do I study and figure out a way to get it done :)

andyrm66;235748 said:
If you want to simplify your ATO program:

Fallback ON
OSC 000:00/000:20/119:40 Then ON

So it runs 20 secs every 2 hours, that's all. If I need to increase or decrease, its only one changes, with the way yours is setup, that's a fair amount to change. Just the way I did it, not saying yours is wrong.
The reason I dont run the outlet on a OSC command is because I have a dosing pump that doses vinegar and fuel every 2 hours starting at 5 minutes after the hour. I have the dosing tubes plus the ATO tube connected to a holder and where it doses down into the sump there is a lip to it. Some of the dosing gets caught on the lip and the ATO water basically rinses off that lip and gets it all into the sump.


M.A.S.C Club Member
As far as I am concerned it's all tricks done with mirrors. I have to see it in person to believe it. No. Really. I want to see it. Let me know when we can get together to swap for those SeaSwirls--I'd like to see your tank and that regal and CBB. I will be out of town until Friday, but after that it's all good.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Will do. The regal is doing fantastic. The CBB is a bit beat up. Its fins are pretty frayed. Not sure what happened, I think the Idol might have been picking on him.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Monthly FTS:

Not much to report. I picked up a few gorgonians and of course the Regal and Copperband from Columbine. I am getting cyano again so I cutback my photoperiod from 11 hours to 9 and stopped feeding cyclopeeze. Its subsiding a bit but still around. I really need to get a bigger skimmer I think.